Four: Nightmares

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I had woken up in bed, it was dark where I was? Oh, right I am in New York. I felt uneasy, and scared, I called out for Zach. Waiting for a moment. Nothing. I have a nightlight in my room now, Zach had put in tonight before leaving my room. I'm not really scared of the dark, but Zach said something about not wanting me to fall over. It was motion sensitive so it will turn on if I get up and walk around.

I moved but the light didn't turn on. Okay, maybe the power went out? I got out of bed and called out for Henry, still nothing. I walked to my door, but paused as my closet door opened, I looked at it. The wind blew and hit my window shaking it. My heart started to beat faster, I took a deep breath and walked over to it, closing the closet door and walked back to my bedroom door. Opening it, I poked my head out, calling for Dean this time. I don't think I would have ever called for Dean, but being that he was a bit bulkier than Zach and Henry, he might just scare anyone by growling at him.

Yes, I say growling, I honestly think Dean my grumpy big brother could in fact be a werewolf. I just haven't seen him on a full moon night, so we will see. Though I am sure my brothers don't know my obsession with Teen Wolf quite yet. I slowly walked down the hall, and to the stairs, pausing at them. My brain was telling me not to go down and to run. Why? A figure came into view, the outline of the body reminded me of Henry. Though it wasn't Henry I saw.

This man had no face, he was dressed in black, and had a gun in his hand. The barrel of it pointed at me. I moved back scared as he walked up to me. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak, the only thing I could do was scream.

The man walked to me faster, in the distance I could hear my name. Charlotte!

I tried to focus but I couldn't, I couldn't breathe, I needed to breathe! My lungs started to burn with the need.

"Charlotte wake up!" Strong hands shook me, and my eyes shot open, and I gasped for air. Trying to take deep breaths, I was on the verge of hyperventilation. Strong arms wrapped around me, the scent of Zach. I broke and just started crying.

"It was just a bad dream, it's alright," He told me softly, "You're safe."

I wrapped my arms around him trying to stop crying and failing measerably. Rubbing my back, he soothed me. Talking softly to me, telling me everything was alright, and that I was safe. He moved so that I was sitting on his lap, his legs on the bed. He was still dressed in a suit, I looked over, Henry and Dean were as well. Trying to find something else to think about and I did. Why? Don't they wear pajamas to bed?

Henry handed me a water bottle and I took small sips of it, calming down.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Midnight," Henry said, and they were in suits? Weird. Henry sat on the bed, I looked at Dean who was moving something into his pocket. I rubbed my eyes.

"Do you want to tell us what your dream was about?" Zach asked, I thought about it and didn't want to think about it at all, "It might help if we know what scared you so much."

"I...I don't really know, there was a stranger in the house and coming towards me," I said softly. "At first I thought it was Henry, but he didn't have a face. They never do." I said the last part in a whisper. Though still thinking of the gun, I didn't want to say anything about it since Zach's arms tightened just a little around me at the mention of a stranger in the house. When I calmed down, Zach kissed my head.

"Why don't you go use the bathroom, wash your face and come back," he told me. I nodded and he helped me out of bed. After that I came back it was just Henry and Zach in the room.

"How are you feeling Charlotte?" Henry asked he seemed so concerned.

"I'm okay," I told him, "Just tired, I don't like these dreams."

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