Eighteen: A Long Night

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Charlotte POV*******************************

I was looking at the ground, I just couldn't meet his gaze, I couldn't do it. He was mad, and well though his voice is calm, I couldn't look up, he sighed "One," he said calmly, why are earth was he counting? Did I miss something? What did he say? "Two."

I looked up at him looking into his gray eyes. "Good. Now if I have to remind you to look at me when we are talking, I am going to see it as disrespect, and you won't like the outcome. You are on thin ice young lady."

"I'm sorry, Henry," I said softly, wanting to look away, but didn't want to challenge his threat.

Zach sat next to us, and I looked at him and then back to Henry quickly.

"You wrote a good essay, I won't make you rewrite it, but you will explain your actions as of late, especially going through Zach's phone."

Thank God I do not have to rewrite it, that thing took forever, and I really put a lot of thought into it. Now for the next part of that question. I could lie.....well....it was obvious, wasn't it? He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I told you though I was just seeing if you messaged," not a full lie but not the entire truth.

"When why were you reading messages from Alessandro?" Zach asked I looked at him. "Also, I told you I would let you know if I get a message from Henry, did you not believe me?"

"I...I don't know," I said watching him, biting on my lip, I do believe him, he's never gone back on his word for the month that I've known him, "I had wanted to message him, I saw Alessandro on your phone before in Paris I was just curious about what you guys were talking about. And...I guess who he is."

"Charlotte, you know better than to snoop through someone's things like that," Henry said, I turned to look at him. It's not or never.

"I...I what did Father have planned for me?" I asked instantly.

"I will tell you another time," Henry said, I sighed he always says that.

"Why can't you tell me now," I pried.

"Because something else has to be explained first and it's too late at night to explain."


"We will see. Though I want an apology to Zach for invading his privacy, you wrote lines as pence for him, however, you are 13 years old, Charlotte, do you think how you have been behaving while I am not here is appropriate?"

"No, sir." I do not like where this is going and I do not think my bottom will like it either.

"Okay, now I agree with Zach you did put yourself in danger when you drank and smoked. I understand you were put under a negative peer pressure by your brothers. Do you understand negative peer pressure?" He asked the last part, he wasn't upset with me, but wanted to know....though I've heard of peer pressure, I've never really experienced it since I didn't have friends.

"Negative Peer Pressure," I said softly, and shook my head, "Not really, I didn't have any friends in Oklahoma."

"Well, there is positive and negative, what you experienced with your brothers was negative, now if your brother were trying to get you to try something new, trying smoking is not something you need to be doing ever. Once you are 21 you can but it is a bad habit that you shouldn't partake in. Understand?"

"Yes, Henry."

"Now as for the phone, and for your recent behaviors I think a short trip over my knee is necessary before I send you off to bed for the evening."

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