Thirteen: Run

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That next few days were fun, we went into the town, though we had dinner at the house each evening. Henry was trying to get me to sleep at a decent time. Though each night I felt someone was watching me and kept waking up with a headache so I would drink the water at my bedside. I would be so tired in the morning though. Which meant that Henry would have me take a nap and go to bed early again. 

My nightmares were the same, there was always someone in my room watching me, but when I woke up, no one was there. On the second night I snuck into Zach's room. He woke up just to his door opening and looked at me.

"Charlotte? What's wrong?"

"I...Can I stay in here please?"

"Sure," he said, moving the blankets and I hurried to the bed crawling in and snuggling close to him.  He wrapped his arms around me.

"Bad dream?"

"Yeah," I sniffled.

"Do you want to talk about it, sweetheart?"

"No," I yawned and pressed my face closer to his bare chest listening to his heartbeat and soon fell back asleep.

For the next few nights, I would sneak into one of my brothers' rooms, the next day I went into Dean's he didn't care, and then Noah's. Then lastly Sampson's room. I would probably go to Zach's after him making it a pattern but we only had two days left before we go to Italy, and he yawned looking at me.

"What's wrong, Charlotte?"

"I..Can I stay in here tonight?"

He paused, "Did you have a bad dream?"

I sniffled and nodded, knowing he couldn't' see me I gave a small yes.

"Okay, come on, Baby sis you can stay here tonight."

He let me crawl into the bed with him. He wasn't wearing a shirt either, I don't know why I found it more comfortable when I could feel the warmth from their skin, it was comforting. I woke up to him walking out of his bathroom fully dressed and smiled at me. I rubbed my eyes.

"Go on and get dressed, I think we are going to the lavender fields today."

"Really!" I looked at him a little more awake and my head hurt. He paused, handing me a cup of water I drank it down. Pausing and looking at the cup of water. It's less bitter than my water in my room. 

"What's wrong?"

"I always thought the water here was bitter."

"Bitter, what do you mean?"

"The water in my room is bitter compared to this."

Sampson had a weird look on his face, but it faded, "How long as it tasted bitter for?"

"Since I got here, I was surprised, but I wasn't too concern about it, water usually taste's normally like nothing."

"It shouldn't be bitter," he told me, and paused, "I'll let Henry know something is up with your water, try not to drink any of the water in your room alright?"

"Even the bottled ones?"


"Yeah, I have bottled water, you have a pitcher it's interesting, I think yours is nicer actually."

Sampson gave me another glass of water before sending me on my way to get dressed and told me not to drink any water in my room at all. I shrugged, maybe something was wrong with the water? I got dressed in a cut sun dress, it was really nice outside. I decided on a beautiful white looking dress that went just above my knees, it had straps I had to tie and tried to make them into cute bows. I wasn't having much luck for that matter. 

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