Six: A Long Talk

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I walked closer to it, it shined in the light a little, what is that?  A bullet? Picking it up I looked around finding another casing. Why? My eyes landing on a well and I paused. It was a bit away from me, but I wanted to see it. Closer. 

Why did Henry say no to that trail, it seems fine to me. Well with the exception that it has a Well on it. I started towards it, pausing when I saw something move behind me. Nothing was there.

 The feeling of uneasiness came to me, I deiced to go back to the trail. The casings still in my hand, I was moving them around not watching where I was going which is how my foot got caught in a tree branch and I came crashing down onto the dirt and marsh. I yelped in pain. 

"Damn it," I looked at the branch and my foot, "Dumb." Getting up I sighed. I lost the casing when I came crashing down, seeing another I picked it up, in my line vision I pausing at something under a larger branch. I moved towards it, a gun? 

Henry's voice in my head now though, if you see one do not touch it, get one of your brothers. My brothers have my phone right now, so I won't be able to get them, I picked it up. Henry probably won't know if I set it down close to the house and tell them about it then I shouldn't get into any trouble.  I smiled at my plan, that should work just fine.

Though, I looked at it, I did want to learn about them since we do have them in the house, and if an emergency did arise then I would know how to use it. I am doughtful that Henry will teach me at all how to use it. This gun was small, and almost fit my hand, it was a little rusty. Interesting. I put it in my pocket. 

"Miss Marino," Monroe said, I jumped at the voice and looked back at him, he was coming towards me, "Miss, please come back to the trail."

Did he see the gun?! Oh no, I am in so much trouble! Wait.....he looked worried. Monroe walked over to me. Looking me over.

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm alright, I," held up the bullet, "I saw something shiny and grabbed it."

"I understand but there are snakes this time of year around here, please come back to the trail," he looked at what was in my hand, "I can take that Miss., it shouldn't be out here."

"Why are there bullets out here?" I questioned.

"I am sure one of your brothers probably shot at a snake or were practicing. Though I am sure Mr. Marino will have a word with the twins if that is the case."

I put the bullet it in his hand, looking around, "What tail am I on, Monroe? Wait how long have you been following me?"

"Ever since you went on the trail, Miss. You seemed to wanted space, so I stayed back aways. I saw you get out of the tree and started off the trail, so I went to see if you were alright. Mr. Sampson said you were going to a walk and for me to follow."

"I see, okay," I said and went back to the tail looking at the place, and at the other trees. I pointed. "What trail is that way?"

"The Well Trail, miss, there are a lot of snakes on that trail, so I would advise against walking it."

A lot of snakes? I wonder if that is why Henry told me no to that trail. I will ask him about it later maybe, though thinking of my eldest brother I sighed. I wonder if he would be angry at me for not coming to them sooner. I looked at my feet, sighing and kicking a rock near me.

"Are you ready to head home Miss? Mr. Marino should be home soon."

"Not yet," I said, "I want to walk a little longer."

"Yes, Miss," he said watching me. I started down the path again, sighing and looking up. Though with Monroe here, I sighed after a few minutes and decided to head back. When I had decided that though Monroe picked up his phone.

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