Five: Broadway And Heels

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I woke up on my own this morning, no alarm. I thought I had set my alarm, I found my phone dead. I had forgotten to plug in my phone last night so it's dead, I made a face but plugged it in to charge. Stretching my arms up yawning, I felt really well rested today.

I smiled, today was the day we were all going out as a family to a Broadway and dinner after. Excitement had me jumping out of bed and running to get ready for the day. I don't know what I should do. Should I start getting ready, and what should I wear? My brothers most likely will be wearing suits. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door, and I poked my head out of my closet.

"Come in," I called out. Zach poked his head in, he looked at the messed-up bed and then at the closet where my bedhead was poking out. He chuckled walking into the room.

"Good morning, Char. Breakfast is ready," he told me walking into my room. I was in my shirt, black shorts and my hair was wild "how did you sleep last night?"

"I didn't have a nightmare at all which is a first," I said happily, and Zach seemed to relax at that. I wonder if my dreams cause them to have stress.

"What are you doing?" He chuckled walked over, he stopped and picked up my glasses, putting them on my face. He was in more casual clothes today, more of the outfit he picked me up in at the airport. Black jeans and a white crisp shirt that had two buttons undone.

"I was getting ready for the day, but what are you wearing tonight?"

"My normal attire, I have a suit I wanted to wear tonight," he smiled at me, "though you shouldn't worry about getting ready just yet since Emma is very excited to get you ready herself. She has been telling Henry about it all morning."


"Yes, now then," he kissed my head, "Why don't you just wear something comfortable for now and Emma will..."

"Hunt me down later?" I asked, Zach swatted my bottom lightly.

"Do not irrupt someone while they are speaking it is rude. But yes, something like that," he said, "I'll see in downstairs."

"Okay," I said turning back to my closet. I put on leggings and a shirt, casual and comfortable. I paused at my desk looking at my notebook I only have 40 more lines left to write and then I am all complete. I should work on it later at least. Leaving it where it was I went downstairs, sitting next to Sampson on the island. Saying morning to everyone, Zach and Henry were in conversation about business, Dean was on his phone as was Noah and Sampson had pulled my chair out for me.

"What do you want to eat today?" Sampson asked smiling at me, the last few days I have just been really eating toast and fruits, or Greek yogurt with granola and fresh fruit. I don't really eat all of it, even when Luca makes them in smaller portions for me.

"mmm," I thought about it though, I was hungry, but I didn't want toast today.

"Have you had a crepe before?" Sampson asked, eating his...what is that?

"What's that?"

"I think you'll like it, it's like a very thin pancake," He indicated to his plate, it was huge though with fruits and powdered sugar on it.

"I'll try it," I told him, "But I don't think I can eat all of it."

Luca, I guess took that as a challenge, everyone was talking about a few things that were going on tonight and that they would all be working at home today. I was sipping on some mango juice that I really am starting to like it more and more. Luca set a plate in front of me and I smiled at it.

"It's a little smaller than you normally make it Luca," Sampson said looking at it. I noticed Dean moved and looked at my plate, though said nothing.

"That is because Mr. Sampson you have a larger appetite than your sister."

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