Eight: Turbulence and Paris

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I sobbed into Zach's shirt as he tried soothing me. I couldn't understand him, but his voice was soft and trying to calm me down. Sadly, I wanted Henry to come in and speak to me, I don't know why but that and Dean's playing always calmed me down. I did feel safe and secure in Zach's strong arms.

"Char, sweetheart, you are going to make yourself sick, it's alright," he said softly, I focused on his words. "I got you, you're safe, I promise."

When I was finally calm, I felt exhausted, but I didn't want to sleep, that was the last thing I wanted to do. Zach paused, watching me.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," I sniffled. Shaking my head in his chest. "I don't want to sleep anymore either."

"Sweetie you've only been asleep for 30 minutes," he soothed, I shook my head in his chest as he spoke. I didn't want to go to sleep in here or again. I wanted to go home, but I wanted to go on this trip. I hate screaming to wake up, I know it stresses them out.

"How about I put on a movie, and you can watch that and try to fall asleep. It should give good dreams. hmm."

"No," I shook my head holding onto him tighter. I didn't want to stay in this room, I didn't feel comfortable, I liked laying in Zach's arms. I could fall asleep in them, but he wouldn't stay in the room.

"What if you come out into the sitting area and watch the movie. You'll have to wear headphones since sadly I'm have an emergency meeting in 20 minutes," He told me. I looked up at him, I am sure I looked a mess, my eyes red and puffy and my nose is snotty. He gave me a tissue and I cleaned up my face.


"Come on. You can sit with me while we set everything up."

I sniffled and slipped out of bed. Emma frowned sadly, I must have woken her up, I walked over and gave her a hug. She kissed my head. "Get some sleep okay?"


Walking into the room, Sampson and Noah looked at me, and Sampson held open his arms for a hug. I hurried over to him and melted into his arms. I found that my brothers gave really good hugs, Dean though I think might give the best ones since he doesn't give them often. I sniffled, watching the flight attendant get the bed ready for me. When it was done and I was in it, I leaned into Sampson as he held me rubbing my back. The turbulence hit and I felt like puking. I made a face, and held onto Sampson tighter, ready to push him off me if I was going to throw up.

"Are you alright?" Noah asked.

"Don't like flying," I said, "I feel sick."

That got all my brothers' attention. I held onto my stomach, feeling sick.

"Are you going to throw up?"

"I don't know," I said, tears burned my already red and puffy eyes.

"Here take this," Zach said walking over to me, "It's to help with motion sickness."

"What is it?"

"It's Dramamine," Zach said, giving me a soda can, I paused looking at it. I was not going to complain about soda, ginger ale? I looked at him. "Normally I don't want you drinking soda when I want you sleeping."

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