Three: Shopping and Tears

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(Note, I won't be doing a lot of Brother POV since this is mainly from Charlotte's POV, but I will add their POV in if I think it will help the story so it's something I will use to help show the personalities of the brothers a little more.)

Zachary POV

Sitting downstairs with Henry, Dean, and the twins who were sitting on the couch near the fireplace. The girls were all upstairs it has been an hour since they have all gone to bed. I was telling them about Charlotte's Stuffed Bunny and the twins looked ready to fight whom ever did it and ruin lives. I would be completely on board, but it seemed to have been a long time ago, so there wasn't much we could do about it.

"Her stuffed toy was mutilated," Sampson said coldly. Well, at least we don't need to worry about her being bullied at school any kid and parents would be targeted along with their families' jobs. Though her last name Marino should be enough to keep the bullies off her back, that is what Sampson had said though swinging our last name around to get what she wants isn't something I stand for.

"She seems to remember a few things though," Noah said, "when we were playing Mario cart she said that it felt familiar. I told her she used to fall asleep on Dean when he was in his call of duty high."

Dean looked at him, he used to get so mad when Henry or I had her since he knew we wouldn't let her go especially when she was sleeping. A month or so before she left there had been an issue when we went out into the city. Margaret had taken her when it all had gone down and had hidden in a closet for an hour or so. Father had been upset that she had run off, we all were since we thought both had been kidnapped or lost their lives or both. It was a very stressful night that night. Hopefully she doesn't remember any of that.

Henry seemed to ponder that, he wanted to keep her out of the mafia side for as long as possible, if she found out now it might backfire on us and her. Though we will try to give her a normal life, well normal as we see it, it's safer if she doesn't know everything. It will be Henry's call to tell her either way.

"I'm heading to bed," Sampson said. Getting it up, and Noah followed suit. For twins they are completely different from each other. Sampson our jokester, though good with tracking and getting people to talk surprising he is great at it, though his coach had been Henry and I so I am not surprised he gets good results and can handle himself in a fight. Noah is more temperamental even with his laid-back attitude, he is also an amazing hacker and is able to spy on a business or people if we need him two without any issues. They complement each other what one lacks the other makes up for it.

We all knew about the Mafia when we turned 14, the twins had been 13 when they figured it out, going onto the third floor and getting their bottoms handed to them by myself and Henry, it was a very sore day for them. Though we started training them, even though they were already in combat training classes with us and a lot of our security. Dean is a mean teacher and didn't go easy on them when they were getting better. Even from time to time they spar out frustrations.

"Are you boys going with Emma and Charlotte to the mall?" Henry asked.

"I might go," Sampson said, "I haven't decided yet."

"I'm not going," Noah said.

Sampson and Noah both paused at the stairs, I looked over at him, "Charlotte, what are you doing out of bed?" Sampson asked kindly. Though how he was talking was different than normal. He sounded confused and concerned.

I stood up and walked to the stairs, Henry followed me and looked up. She was just standing there looking dazed. She was in her pajamas with her stitched up bunny in her left hand. She didn't answer us. She slowly went to take a step down the stairs. Henry walked up the stairs quickly holding up his hands to catch her if she fell and gently guided her down the stairs.

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