Ten: Diamonds and Provence

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The next day my brothers, Emma and I walked into the shop I was stuck to him, since I am a bit nervous and the man looked over smiling. He spoke in French, and Emma spoke back. The man smiled at me and walked over. Speaking in French and indicated to my ears, I didn't know what he said and just said.


He chuckled, "You are cute," he told me looking at my ears, "Why don't you pick some out they are over there."

Dean walked over with me and pointed at the gold ones with diamonds in it, he squatted down with me, Sampson looking at a few and so was Emma. Noah was just taking photos of me. I made a face and he just smiled a little at me.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked Dean, he turned to me.

"Needle piercing is better than a piercing gun less trauma and it heals better. It's less painful than the piercing gun and I already hate that thing, it will feel like a pinch."

"Okay," I said, looking at the diamonds he was showing me. Once they were picked out, I was sitting watching them, they made dots on my ears after cleaning them, I gripped my hand and closed my eyes. After the first I just looked at Dean and his eyebrows went up, there was amusement in his eyes. The darkness that was in them slightly leaving.

"Not as bad as you were thinking?"

"Nope," I smiled at him. Dean was videotaping me. And I gave the camera a little wave.

"One down, one to go," the man said, "Ready?"


The man did it again, then I had my ears all done and looked at them with a large smile. Dean took a photo of me and sent it to the brother and Emma group chat.

"Looks good, Char," Sampson told me. Noah agreed as did Dean.

"Merci," I told them with a large smile. Once everything was done and he went over how to care for them and that I couldn't go swimming for at least a week or so, showers are okay which didn't make sense to me, but I didn't argue. Besides we weren't swimming in Paris anyway. As long as I care for it, well I should be able to swim in Provence and Italy. After I was done, we facetimed Zach to show him and Henry.

They were drinking their coffee being its morning there.  After I said my goodbyes. We were heading out for lunch, I paused looking at a building seeing a flash of some kind. Though I was distracted when Emma started speaking to me.

"In at least 6 weeks we will have to get you another pair to switch out," she told me. We did go around Paris. Dean took us to a music museum which was really cool. He seemed more anxious than Zach always making me hold his hand and stay closer to him than Zach who allowed me a little leeway. It was getting annoying I wanted to go walk with Sampson for a bit. Though when I tried to go to him, Dean gripped tighter, it didn't hurt, and I know it wouldn't bruise or anything but he was frim when he spoke to me.

"Stop walking off Little girl."

"I want to walk with Sampson and Noah," I told him, "and I am not walking off."

"Lose the attitude, you can walk with Sampson but you are not to let go of his hand," he told me, "Sampson," he called, "She isn't to leave your side or let go of your hand."

"Okay," Sampson held out his hand to me, "Come on Baby sis."

I hurried over to Sampson and took his hand, and sighed rolling my eyes a little. Noah looked at me, he, like Sampson are not as strict as our older brothers. Though they can still punish me if I need it, I try not to push them at all. Though that did make me wonder if they get into trouble at all. Though right now, the bane of my existence was lurking behind me.

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