Sixteen: Painting and Phone

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Charlotte POV**********************************

Standing in a corner sucked! It's the most stupid and more boring punishment that is out there. Though right now, I just had tears falling and rubbing my eyes, causing my glasses to move up on my face. I do not know how long I was standing here when I heard the door open more and Zach walked in. I knew it was Zach his footsteps are heavier than Emma's and I could smell his Calonge. The same smell that I sprayed on my pillow cause sometimes Zach doesn't go to bed with me, and I woke up crying and he wasn't there this morning. Emma had sprayed it on the pillow for me this morning, I had been tired still, so we had fell back asleep. Only getting up to the sound of crying when we came downstairs. 

I heard chairs move and then some typing, was he working on his computer? Wait computer! I am so stupid I could message Henry; I could talk to Henry! I could see if he messaged at all.

"Come here, Charlotte," Zach said firmly, and I slowly turned around, he was sitting on the chair behind the desk. He looked intimidating, but I walked to him. Today he was in a white button up, his sleeve rolled up to his elbows. They had been rolled up when he walked out with the twins as well, their eyes were still a little red even though they washed up in the bathroom. I stood between Zach's knees as he watched me with his storming grey eyes. There was disappointment in his eyes, and I shifted side to side, not liking that look. I down casted my eyes to the wooden floor.

"You understand we are going to finish our talk from yesterday."

"We talked yesterday though," I told him, "I...I thought we were done?"

"We spoke a little yesterday, but you were too drunk. Also, with that hang over I was not going to spank you, and I had told you that you would be getting your punishment tomorrow, which is today."

"But I was with Sampson and Noah, I was fine," I tried to plea with him.

"Young lady," he said sternly, "Your brothers, who should have known better, should have never given it to you, and you young lady should have never accepted it. Do you think underaged drinking and smoking is okay?"

"They said Henry cleared it," I tried. Zach shook his head at me. "And if they were not allowed too, they wouldn't have had it."

He paused thinking about that, "Your brothers asked when they were 15 if they would drink," he explained, "We allowed it but under the rules that it would only be at home and under supervision, as for the smoking they are allowed it a few times, but the the smokes have to be cleared by Henry and myself, and they have to let us know they are smoking. All of which they needed permission, and never asked for it. As for you," he leaned forwards looking into my eyes, and I shivered, "You, Charlotte Hyacinth Marino, I never gave you permission, and I know Henry did not, or Dean. Or am I mistaken? Did someone give you permission?"

I watched him, "Yes, sir or no, sir, Charlotte?"

He was mad enough that he wanted me to answer like that, ", sir."

"I thought not, also, the ones the boys were using one were not cleared by anyone."

"But I was fine," I tried, moving back a little not liking that look in his eye.

"No, Charlotte, you were not," he told me again, pulling me closer and raising my chin to meet his eyes, "You were drunk and high, you were sick most of the night," he sighed, "You put yourself in danger. Though I am not fully blaming you as you cannot control what Sampson or Noah do. You cannot control other people; their actions are not your actions. You are in control of your actions," he said, "Are you really going to blame them for all of this?"

"N...I don't know. I guess not."

"No, you are not going to just blame them, because you young lady are partly to blame for how you ended up yesterday," he said pausing, "What should you have done differently?"

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