Nineteen: Emma's Guilt and The River

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I had promised smut, sorry to disappoint, I think when I work on Emma's and Henry's story, hopefully I will get it done soon. I'll had short scenes in it as well, so I am sorry you all will need to be patient. Like next year type of patient

Emma POV**********************

I didn't like hearing their spankings, but I also didn't want to go upstairs. Well, actually I am lying to myself, the twins had it coming, they have been nothing but nasty. I have just been staying out of their way, though I was sad to hear Charlotte's cries. I should have gone with them on their walk. I knew they had been smoking and I said nothing. 

I didn't want to cause issues, though I know Henry would say differently. A guilt started to bubble up, I was trying to focus on my book, but had to get up and walk outside for a little bit, which was worse cause I could hear her crying outside as well. I sighed, and just went back inside. Dean was watching me, I didn't pay him much mind as I went to the kitchen and looked at the liquor cabinet. A shot would feel good, but I wasn't looking to get drunk I just wanted the burn it. 

"Emma," Dean was watching me, I looked at him, "Could you make some tea maybe? What you made last time was good."

I gave him a small smile, as gruff as Dean is, and the last of Henry's brothers I had warmed up too. He really needed a woman to bring out more of his good side. Though he is so closed off to the idea, Henry had been too until I pushed it. I got started on the tea and started a pot of coffee as well. 

"You aren't drinking Coffee this late at night are you?" Dean asked me.

"Italian's do it all the time to calm down."

"The last time you drank a cup of coffee at night I remember Henry casing you almost full speed down the hall, the hauled you upstairs with you over his shoulder and him spanking you as he walked."

"I had more than one cup that night," I pointed out, smiling at the memory. I had been playing with Henry, and almost hurt myself which is why he has been spanking me. Though we had made love that night, and Henry really tired me out from a spanking and 10 orgasms later I had passed out on him. Waking up to him reading and telling me I wasn't allowed more than a half a cup of coffee for the next month and no caffeine after 12 became a solid rule. 

"That's right you had the entire pot," Dean pointed out and I giggled at that, it was about 2 years ago, I had been waiting and wanting to continue reading my book, but after the last bit of coffee I was going crazy and was running in the house. I had almost knocked Zach over; I had knocked over a vase and almost stepped in it before Henry threw me over his shoulder. I think Zach had cleaned it up, I was really sad about the vase.

"Five cups, that pot holds 10."

Dean just shakes his head; I heard a door open and looked over. Charlotte's eyes were red and puffy she was sniffling. Henry was behind her, his eyes one me, Charlotte wished us all goodnight and I smiled at her. She hurried over to Dean he had an arm open to her as he hugs and kisses her head, Dean whispering something in her ear. The only word I heard was Jellybean. Zach walked her up the stairs. She went to rub her bottom a little though quickly put her hand in front of her

 "Noah," Henry said, and I watched as the first twin walked with Henry. I was putting some honey into one of the cups of hot water, when I heard Noah crying. I looked at Dean's crestfallen face, a lot of people would hate their way of discipline. Though it is something that is quick, not painless, but still for this family it works. And being married into this family, a child crying from a spanking or a female in the family well that isn't unheard of. This family mainly lives in the 1800s, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They are strict with the kids and females since well we are almost the vulnerable ones, then there was Henry's Nonna. An assassin who would only submit to her husband. It was such a great tale that I wish we could share with Charlotte one day. 

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