Nine: Bittersweet

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The next morning, I was woken up by some light shining in my eyes, I got up and looked out the window yawning. I am still tired, but I grab Starla and headed to the living room since in my pajamas. I didn't feel like getting dressed right now, yawning and rubbing my eyes I looked around. It was quiet and no one seemed to be up. Honestly, I am not used to waking up before my brothers, or anyone for that matter. The layout of the hotel as I call it, but I heard Sampson call it a flat....whatever that means. Honestly, everyone calls it something, Zach confirmed it's a Hotel Penthouse, but it looks like an apartment with a washer machine and everything so Sampson calls it a flat.

There is a downstairs, when you first walk in you see the sitting room with the sofa, a chair and TV in a corner, the balcony was there as well, the wall is open to the dining room where you can still see the Eiffel tower outside, there are eight fabric chairs around the glass table. Painting abstracts in each room, that I didn't really make sense of. The kitchen is connected to the Dining room and there is a washer machine in there that I found interesting, and actually useful to keep up with laundry.

Then you had a small bathroom with a walk-in shower, going up the stairs, are the rest of the bedrooms, The first room is Zach and Dean (They will be sharing according to Zach) since there is two queens in there), then the twins, they had two beds in there as well. I hadn't gone in to look at it, all I know is that there are two beds. After their room is the bathroom with a shower, and a separate bathtub. Followed by my room in the corner. On the other side of Zach and Dean's room is Henry's and Emma's with a King bed inside they also have a private shower in there as well.

Everything of modern, white, gray and the slash of color from the abstracts around the penthouse. There is also white carpet everywhere, so Zach wanted us to take off our shoes when we get back. There is a place to hang jackets by the front door. I paused looking at the clock it was around 630 in the morning. I yawned again. I did not want to get up this early. I also couldn't call Henry since it was....I looked at my phone, midnight in New York. I sighed and looked around. I walked to the balcony and took some morning photos of the Eiffel Tower and smiled taking a few photos. The sun was coming up and I leaned on the balcony to get a better view of it. After I was done, I went back in closing the door behind me.

I paused looking around no one was up, well it is vacation and well I went to bed at midnight, I am unsure about when everyone else went to bed. Slowly I headed to the rooms, I was up, so I might as well see if my brothers are up and just in t their rooms on their phones, Sampson did once at home, and I just crawl into bed with him and fall back to sleep it at the time had been 5am then. Though clothing, I haven't' seen anyone aside from Sampson...and I am sure Noah looks the same I have never seen my eldest brothers in sleep attire, only suits and well business casual clothes, and swim trunks.

I opened the twin's door first, they had twin beds in the room, so probably not going to sneak into the room to fall back asleep. Their heads were mainly covered, so I am not sure who is who. I close the door and check on Emma who is hugging a pillow that seemed to have Henry's jacket wrapped around it. I smiled at that, she and I both missed him, it was so strange not having him here. I almost felt wrong to have fun while he was working still with Dean.

I slowly opened Zach's door peeking in, the room was a good size with two queen beds inside, Zach was closes to the door, slowly turning I closed the door and went to his bed. The drapes were closed, the room wasn't pitch dark you could see some light peeking through. I could make out the rise and fall of his breathing is all I took too knowing he was asleep. He moved a little and I froze, unsure what to do or say. Turning on his side he looked at me, with more alert eyes than tired. He moved his hand under his pillow, then with drew his hand out.

"Charlotte? What's wrong?" He sat up, holding out his arms to me, "Bad dream?"

I shook my head at him, "No...I umm...can I stay in here for a little bit?" I asked walking over to him and crawling onto the bed into his arms. "It's really early and I'm still tired."

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