Twelve: Zach and Henry's day

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Zach kissed my head, "Why do you think I am angry with you, mon bonheur?"

"I don't know, you didn't seem happy on the phone last night," I said, "and...I thought that you were still angry at me."

"I wasn't happy with your behavior, but I am not and never will be angry with you. I was scared when Dean said you were missing but had you had shown up and how grateful I felt. Sweetheart I don't think you fully understand you are our world," He told me, "We will burn the world to find you, we had been going through all the states each year, your mother did move a few times and the last place she ended up was Tulsa. I had remembered that she had moved from California but only for a month then to Arizona, to Washington, we found her around November you would have been 9 that year,"

I thought about that, I was in Washington, Seattle, we had to move right after my 9th birthday and moved to Billings, Montana until I was 11. Then we went to Oklahoma and that was the longest we had stayed there, aside from Arizona. My brothers, really have never stopped looking for me. Tears filled my eyes, why had she taken me away, more and more that question came up when my brothers told me something.

"But you were punished for the rules your broke yesterday, and all is forgiven," he told me. "Though I do have a little question for you, and I do want an honest answer, if you don't want to tell me then you don't have too."

"Okay," I said a little nervous.

"Did your mother ever ignore you when she was upset with you."

"The longest time she ignored me was when she got called to school cause I had stopped talking and participating with a new teacher. the time was being bullied and from what I was told it was a...ummm."

"Defense mechanism?" Zach asked.

"Yeah," I gave him a small smile, "but one day she got called from work which was an overtime day I remember that since she told me a lot and didn't talk to me for a week," I told him honestly, "That was the longest she ever did it for though, other times it would be a day or a few hours, it depends on how angry I made her. Other times she would just yell at me."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that sweetheart," he told me wrapping his arms around me, "Just understand we will never ignore you, and last night, well we were upset like I said with your behavior. I do hope Dean made a good impression on you and that you learned your lesson."

"I did I promise," I told him wrapping my arms around him, "I won't do it again, Bubba I promise."

He let out a long breath and I could feel his smile, "That's my girl," he said softly, "I missed you calling me Bubba," he told me, "I like it much better than Zach honestly."

"Really?" I looked at him and he smiled.

"Yes, though if you don't always want to call me Bubba that is alright," he told me kissing my cheek, "Now than before we go down, Dean said I am to put this gel on your bottom to help the bruising that might have accumulated."

"I didn't see any this morning," I said, "Well, a welt or two I think."

"Let me check, I still want to make sure, if you don't need it then I won't put it on."

I watched him, and blushed a little, "I..."

"I know it's a little embarrassing but I rather you be alright. Come on, on your tummy I'll be fast. I am sure Henry is eager to see you too."

"Is he mad at me?" I asked softly.

"No, he isn't," he told me, "We were both taken aback when Dean said you cried yourself to sleep because you thought we were angry at you."

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