Seventeen: Family Meeting

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Charlotte POV********************************

Tears fell as I watched the black SUV drive away. He still loves me even after last night. I watched as his left my vision then I hurried inside as the tears cascaded down my face. Sampson hot my heels.

"Char, are you okay? What's wrong?"

I rubbed my eyes and nodded yes, he paused. Wrapping his arms around me, turning me as he did, "Then why are you crying?"

And then came the flood gates as I sob into his shirt. I'm terrible, I know I wouldn't want any of my brothers going through any of my private stuff like how I did with Zach. I didn't think about that at all, I'm so stupid! I just, I had wanted to message Henry, and this Alessandro popped up before.

"He is so mad at me," I cried wrapping my arms around Sampson who just hugged me tightly. Trying to sooth away my tears.

"He doesn't seem mad, more disappointed. But he loves you very much, we all do. Though it wasn't right what you did," He told me, "Sneaking around at night and going through his phone in the dead of night. Not cool little sister."

"No you don't understand," I look up at him "I told him I hated him last night; I was just so mad, btu I didn't mean any of it."

"And that's why you came to the middle room to sleep?" Sampson asked.

"Kind of."

"Yes or no Charlotte."

"I was mad at him, so yes, but I regretted not just going back to bed with him once I laid down."

"You could have just gone back if you wanted to," Noah said.

And I started crying all over again. Sampson just held me. Kissing my head.

"Zach is under a lot of stress. Sadly, myself included added to that times 10." There was a long pause, "But from the sounds of it you need to talk to Zach and tell him what you told me. Saying things like that can really hurt someone, especially family cause we all love you very much."

"I just," I couldn't talk as I just cried. Sampson held me for a bit, allowing me to calm down. Noah came over with a cold wash cloth and gave it to me. I cleaned my face and blew my nose. After a bit Sampson sat me on one of the chairs, giving me some chocolate as they were cleaning up. I sighed after a little.

"Guess I have the bathrooms," I got up. Sampson stopped me.

"Its going to be okay Char. Zach doesn't hold grudges with his siblings or Emma. He loves us to much,"

"Yeah, if he didn't I'm sure he would have already killed us by now. Sampson was a hellion at 15."

"Slander, don't listen to him Charlotte, I was an angle!" Sampson said looking hurt and it made me giggle. He turned that large smile onto me, "there you are. It's gonna be okay. Alright?"

"Is Henry gonna be angry at me?"

"He will probably be more angry with us," Sampson waved at me, "but Char you can't go through other people's things it not right."

"I don't think you should be the one to say that," Emma said sternly.

"True but I got whooped for it already, and Zach didn't really go easy on me. Forgive me?"

"yes, I forgive you......For now," Emma said.

I gave them a small smile letting out a long sighed,  and did the chore I was assigned toilets, mirrors, sinks and sweep the floor. All of them, including the ones in the bedrooms. With Dean and Henry coming back, I wonder what the sleeping arrangement is going to be? With three rooms, that would have the twins, then two of my older brothers, and then Emma and Henry, then I would go with the twins or my two older brothers? I sighed. Sitting down to read and relax a little.

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