Eleven: Fessée and Fears

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Henry's face went scary dark, for a moment then he just watched me. Was it a bad word he called me? "He isn't very supportive in the family business, but that he said means the underworld," he told me, "It's not something he should have called you, or spoken to you. He was told if you showed up to call the main house," he told me in a normal conversational tone then went to his Strict Big Brother Henry tone, that made me shift from foot to foot, "A place I believe you were told is off limits to you."

"I didn't really well I knew I was by the cottage but didn't know how I got to the cottage. I was just walking. And I don't understand why he wouldn't like your businesses. You help a lot of people start theirs or help bring them up again."

"At least she didn't lie to you about being at the cottage," Dean said, "She told me She didn't know she was at the cottage."

"I...that...I didn't lie." I looked at him divisively, "I hadn't known I make it to the cottage."

"Charlotte," Henry said in that tone that I didn't like, since that meant I was in big trouble, "Did you see the cottage?"

"I did, but I didn't know how I got there."

"There are signs everywhere," Dean told me sternly, "Were you really not paying attention to your surroundings, that's dangerous young lady. This is why Noah said for you to have one of them with you."

"I am at our house am I wrong; I didn't think I needed too," I told them crossing my arms. That had been a mistake cause when I looked back at the phone Henry had that look again that promised a sore bottom. 

"You are in a different country, and even at home you should be aware of your surroundings, there are still snakes in France like in New York," Henry told me, "On top of that there are still people around that are just finishing up the house before heading out, though the cottage though is on our property it's off limits as there is a couple living there that helps care for the house while we are out, however, you disobeyed Noah in going on a walk on your own."

"But I told Emma I would be in the garden."

"Charlotte, you were not in the garden," Zach pointed out. "If you were in the garden then things would have been fine."

"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go far, it was all pretty so I just kept walking."

"Which is why the Twins should have been told, why didn't Emma go with you?" Henry asked.

"I didn't want her to stop what she was doing just because I wanted to go for a walk so, I told her to stay and that I would be in the garden."

"But you didn't stay in the garden like you told Emma, so you put yourself in danger."

"I didn't," I told him. "Remy."

"Remy was not introduced to you, he is a stranger," Henry told me sternly, "And I know you know the saying stranger danger. Noah or Sampson should have been with you. Why didn't you go ask them?"

"I didn't think I leave the garden I guess, I....I'm sorry....but ...do..do you not like Remy? He seems really nice."

"He is a hard worker, and he and especially his wife has worked for the family for 60 years now.  However, we are not going to be talking about that right now. Young lady, Dean is going to give you a spanking for dishonesty with Dean, putting yourself in danger by disobeying Noah. That is 3 D rules you broke Charlotte."

The color drained from my face and tears filled my eyes, "I don't want a spanking Henry, I didn't mean it. I didn't lie to Dean, I had just meant that I didn't know I would make it there I didn't see the signs."

Dean and Henry thought about that, I was being really truthful and I know Dean knew that. 

"I should have turned around, but I had wanted to continue the walk and I was just going to continue on the trail."

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