Seven: Nails before a Holiday

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During the course of the next few days, my bottom though not a bright red anymore sitting was hard, I finished my essay for Zach who was pleased with the result. The last one of the lying was weird, since lying with truth was something I can't see myself doing like Zach said but it was interesting to learn about it. Today though Dean still wanted me to sit for piano lessons. I hadn't really been practicing since I got in trouble with my brothers. How absurd is that though I can stand and play! Dean greatly disagreed.

"It's uncomfortable to sit."

"That is not my problem. Little girls should stay out of trouble if they want to sit comfortably. Shouldn't they?"

I gave him a sad look, but he just pointed to the hard bench for the piano. He had a seat next to it to watch my hand positioning. I winced a little sitting down and sighed, squirming a little trying to find a comfortable position and still finding none.

"You haven't practiced since you were assigned Zach's essay so you are to practice for an hour then you may be finished," Dean told me.

I played and he had me replay a song a few times because I was not following tempo and he sighed. I scowled plopping my hands into my lap frustrated with him.

"Little lady, lose the attitude," he said sternly "I do not care how upset you want to be. But you are not moving forward until you follow tempo. You have done well before on this song so you will do it correct and then we will move forward if we cannot finish your songs in an hour we will stay here longer," he informed me. I gave a small, distressed sigh. I guess Dean took it as disrespect. Though I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. 

"Little girl, look at me," he said sternly. I didn't, he reached over and tilted up my chin "Do you need to stand in a corner with some reminder swats on how to behave."

"You are not being fair though, Dean," I told him upset.

"Oh? Little lady, you are the one who's been not practicing this is not on me. Your sore bottom is on you, and you will not get sympathy from me for picking up a gun. We will come back to this song, move on to the next one," he told me sternly, "I have all day, if you want to sit on a sore bottom for the rest of the day then be my guest," he told me.

So unfair, I played the songs following the tempo this time, and it went by faster, then it was my recital piece that I played I messed up a few times during the piece and he marked it on a sheet, having me replay the pieces I missed 10x each and then play the song once more.

"Nicely done, Little Princess," he praised, I'm not sure if he was mocking me or not, "Now then don't give me grief again about your lessons," Dean narrowed his eyes, I looked down, "Look at me, Little Lady."

I looked up at him, "I told you I am a strict teacher, you can't just not practice because your bottom is sore."

"I just don't want to sit down; I could have stranded."

"I understand, but your sore bottom is your fault, not mine. And no, you cannot stand and play the piano."

Dean was being so irritating right now, I made a face and looked down and he sighed, "Why don't you take a break from Piano, you finished your songs. I'll see you at dinner," that said he ruffled my hair, "And little girl you need to look at us when we are speaking to you. I only have so much patience to continue to tell you that," and walked out of the piano room. I sighed finally getting to stand up my bottom hurt, it wasn't like the second day but today it still was tender. I pouted and rubbed it trying to sooth it.

I sighed since it wasn't working as well. I looked outside, after the second day of my essay writing I was allowed to go outside, but today, I got Sampson and Noah to agree to go into the hot tub with me after dinner, so during the rest of the day, I played Mario cart on my stomach and Sampson actually let me win today. I took it as a win, so I didn't do anything crazy but rub it a little in Sampson's face, which got him eating my candy as pence for my absurd gloating. Noah was just chuckling at my gloating. After dinner, I got my swimsuit on and hurried back out. After a bit all my brothers decided to join us.

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