Fifteen: Twin Sore Bottoms

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Zach POV************************

I sighed waking up, not wanting to even get up today. I do not know how Henry does it sometimes. He has always been there. Father though was a semi-good father, he was there when he could, but if he wasn't then Henry was there. As more and more kids came along, I helped him out. 

When Father passed away, the transition for the twins was easy, but for Dean it was a little harder to take orders from him. He always bucked at Henry, and a lot with me. Though he got used to it over time. The twins well, Father was a strict man, Henry is as well, but he gives a lot of leeway for them to make mistakes, and learn from them. Father gave no room, I understood why, but still an 8 year old little boy wouldn't understand Mafia stuff and being yelled at. I look at the sleeping little girl next to me, I had woken her up yesterday, she was upset, she had remembered a few things that she had done, like kick me. And was apologizing. She was still upset even after I got her story on what happened. 

Father wanted what was best for her, in his own way he did love her. HIs Princess, he was softer after she was born. Became a little better with us as a father. Though He still put so much pressure on Henry, with him being the oldest. 

I moved some of her hair out of her face. I had to talk to her about all of it and why it was dangerous, and why she will not be doing it again. I didn't punish her last night, since she was throwing up in the middle of the night. She should be asleep for a while. Not having an alarm clock to wake her up, but we all have been going to be relatively early. Though she and I will be having a very though conversation later today.

Even when she is 16, she will not be doing any of this shit. Not if I have a say in it, and with Henry putting me as her second guardian just like the Twins, and if something happens to be then it's Dean. So, they never go into the system. If anything, ever happened to us, well, Alessandro said he help as well. I had gotten a few emails already saying he was going to help Henry. That put me at ease just a little. Though looking at the joints in my room. I hated that Henry allowed the twins to do it. I think he felt bad for them, but still. He will be hearing about this, and they will not be able to drink or smoke until they are of age! I got up and flushed them all down the toilet, I do not know which was from Emma's stash, so all of it will go. I got ready for the day. It was early in the morning. I looked at the clock. 5:45am.

I decided to wake up the twins. They were not happy about it but didn't give me sass over it. Though if they had it wouldn't have ended well for them. I went into the kitchen and started the coffee, I need it. I didn't' wait for the pot to fill, I just poured the half of cup and drank on it looking out the window. 

Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like, living a normal life, I used to think about it when I was younger, especially after Father was being very unfair with something. Henry most times tried to comfort me. As did my mother, Margaret, I sighed, she had been so young when she gave birth to Henry. She had known about the Mafia for a long time, long enough to know, so why the hell did she take the joy out of our lives? Why did she steal my happiness? 

I heard shuffling on the stairs and looked up at the twins walking down. Sampson looked irritated, but Noah just looked tired. Their personalities I noticed will fluctuate. Sampson is the hot head of the twins; he is the jokester. Though Noah, well he is quiet, but I have seen him blow up at Henry once when he was feeling relatively brave, boy got a spanking for it, but he had balls that kid when he wanted to show them. Though I still remember them coming into my room on a night Father and Henry were getting into with each other scared. They had held onto me so tight, begging me to stop the fight, begging me to not let Father hurt Henry. 

It was the first time I pointed a gun at my father, he had been so drunk that night, it was when Charlotte wasn't there anymore his joy gone. But they were not nine-year-olds any more wearing spider man and batman pajamas. I sipped my coffee again. They were seventeen-year-old boys who knew better than to give their 13-year-old-sister alcohol and weed! Both were in tan shorts and a shirt. 

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