Fake Love 1

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Lamest title in history 


I was wearing my dress. (given above) It was a velvet green, silky, ankle-length dress. It was a nice outfit overall, except for the fact Holly had forced me to wear heels. Me, Lockwood, and George were going undercover as adopted siblings to a "supposed" relic-hunter base. 

I walked downstairs where Lockwood was waiting. A chill went up my spine as his gaze raked upon me in an almost longing way. 'You look great Luce. Really.' I blushed. 'You too Lockwood.' He was wearing a tux, and he looked GREAT in it. His hair was slightly gelled down, I mean I liked it ruffled up, but it looked amazing any way he did it, I mean it was Lockwood. I heard a shout from the room.

'Hey! Less of the awkward stuff. You're supposed to be siblings. Play the part.' George shouted. Then he cursed.

'LOCKWOOD! YOUR GUY MESSED IT UP! You and Lucy are supposed to be engaged now. That'll be easy for you two. I blushed(again). Pretending to be in love with Lockwood? That would be easy.

'Well then. We'll need a ring for you.' He walked into his room, and after 2-3 minutes, he got out a ring. It was simple but beautiful. It was a silver ring with a sapphire on top.

'It's beautiful......how'd you get it?' He turned my hand over gently and said 'I just had it lying around.' He put it on my finger. It was a perfect fit, almost as if it was made for me.

'Well then, my soon-to-be bride...let's go!' He took my hand and led me to the cab and we sat there in silence, waiting for George.

George got in and sat as far away from us as possible. He whispered something in Lockwood's ear-which I couldn't hear- and Lockwood, being the gentleman that he is, whacked George's arm.

'What's wrong?' I looked up at him. He was blushing, which is EXTREMELY rare for him. He cleared his throat and looked out the window.

'Nothing...just a George comment.' He glanced at me quickly before looking out the window. God, he was cute. Only if I could tell him. I mean I could but..... never mind.

We stopped in front of a mansion. 5 guards were standing near the entrance.

'ID.' said the tall one gruffly. Lockwood took it and showed it to the guard. He looked at it briefly before nodding and letting us in. Lockwood clasped his hand in mine. Suddenly he put one arm around my waist and the other around my ankle and said 'I love you, Mia.'

'Uh.....I-' Wait...Mia? He laughed and whispered in my ear:

'Don't be so shocked. We're engaged, remember? I don't actually love you.' I scoffed. He didn't have to be so harsh about it.

'Right. So when are we doing the actual relic-dealer-busting stuff? This...is pretty boring. LOCKWOOD!' He was gazing, deep in his thoughts, almost as if he was....regretting something. (Can anyone guess what he was regretting?)

'LOCKWOOD!' He jumped out of his trance and looked at me. 

'Yeah...oh my name's Louis now by the way, and George is on the lookout so he'll tell us when the "relic-dealer-busting-stuff starts"'. Just then, George swooped in.

'Guys we should go soon, after 5 minutes or so. Everyone's distracted while dancing. Speaking of dancing, you two lovebirds should be dancing too, to blend in.' He winked at me( I do not know what that was for) and whisked away to the dessert table(such a great lookout place).

"Can't Help Falling In Love With You" by Elvis Presley started to play. Lockwood offered his hand. I tensed, almost about to brush it away, still bitter about the rejection when I realized we were undercover. I took his hand.

He led me to the dance floor, his arm around my waist and mine around his shoulder. Suddenly, he pulled me closer, his chin buried in my hair and my face smushed against his chest. 

'Lockwood what-' He looked at me seriously.

'Lucy...what I said. I didn't mean that. I actually-' George interrupted, looked at Lockwood's glare, and said:

'Whatever I was interrupting you guys can continue it later. We have to go. Now. The relic-hunters have arrived.'

We sneaked out the back door and wore our work belts which Holly had previously kept for us. 

-----------------------Skip cuz I suck at writing anything that is not Locklyle--------------------------

The last of the relic-hunters ran away. I sighed in relief, then gasped when I noticed how close I was to the edge(the fight had made its way to the roof and I had a fear of heights) I was too close. No....too...-

Part 2 coming soon!

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