The Letter 2

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Lockwood POV

I shoved the girl away from me and ran after Lucy as fast as I could. God, I didn't even know that girl. She had come to me a week ago-

No. I had to focus on finding Lucy. I rushed to Portland Row. Lucy was standing in the hallway, coming out of my room. She had a small, rectangular paper in her hand.

'Lucy! I don't even...let me-'

'Lockwood. Just...please. I need to be left alone for-'

'Why does that have my name on it?' The paper in Lucy's hand was a neatly folded letter with my name scribbled on it in Lucy's handwriting.

'It's nothing-'

'Well it has my name on it so I woul-'

'LOCKWOOD JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!' You wouldn't care now that you have a girlfriend.' She stormed off before I could stop her.


I yawned. It had been a long night and I had just gotten 3 hours of sleep. I made my way to the kitchen slowly before realizing I was shirtless. Meh.

Lucy was in the kitchen, making tea. I made my way out slowly, hoping she wouldn't see me. And then I tripped over nothing. This was weird. Lucy was the one who tripped when she was nervous. Not me. She turned around and blushed when she saw me shirtless.

I took this as an opportunity and started to explain. 'Luce I-'

'I'm busy. I don't have time for your bullshit. I'm going to the archives.' She said in a cold voice. I had heard her use it, but I had never been on the receiving end of it. Wow. It really leaves an impact.

'The archives? Since when do you go to the archives?'

'Since now.' She brushed me aside and walked away.


George and Lucy were long gone. Holly and Quill were in their respective houses. I was all alone.

I had to see the letter. Now was the perfect chance. I went to Lucy's room and opened the door. The skull was lying on the windowsill, next to the letter. If it saw me, it would definitely snitch. I snatched the letter and ran off. 

I sat on my bed and opened the letter. I wonder what was so secretive that Lucy had to hide it from me. It couldn't be anything big, right?

Oh, how wrong I was.

Also: shoutout to my only reader- @CraftyFrog0770

I just realized that she/he/they are the ones who wrote one of my favorite stories(i hadn't read it for a while so I didn't know it was updated) but it is AMAZING!!!

One of my favorite Locklyle stories

Check it out if you want to

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