Drunk...in love

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BTW This is after the problem and there are like phones and shit

'Fuck you.' I heaved out a breath and pushed hair out of my eyes.

'Youre just angry I'm better than you. Always will be.' I rolled my eyes at his words, irritation bubbling through my core at the fact he beat me.

'Another round?' Lockwood asked me as I was putting the disembered mannequin back in it's place.

'Uhm...no I'm good. I'm going out with Holly and her friends.'

'Oh! Right. Well...have fun. And don't...kiss some other guy!' I looked at Lockwood, my brow raised.

'What are you, my dad? I can kiss another guy if I want to.'
'Mhm...' Lockwood nodded, his eyes at the floor. 'Just...try not to.'

I shrugged. 'No promises.'

As I left the basement and walked to my room, I couldn't shake off Lockwood's peculiar behaviour. Was he actually jealous? The thought made me chuckle. I made my way to my room where Holly was waiting, already ready.

"Holly! You look stunning!" I exclaimed, eyeing her dress. She was wearing a long pink maxi dress, that brought out her eyes.

'Thanks. Now...time to get you ready.' Holly brought out her makeup kit and the dress I had selected at the store. As I  styled my hair, holly did a smoky eye for me. I went to the washroom and changed into my dress and came out.

'Lucy! You look stunning!' I smiled at her and eyes myself in the mirror. I was wearing a short black dress that went to my knees and hugged my curves nicely. It had a small slit on the side, and showed less cleavage.

'Cmon, let's go.' I put on my heels(I could wear them without falling now) and took my bag. As I went downstairs, I saw Lockwood come out of his office and his eyes flickered to mine and went back to his newspaper. Then, he saw what I was wearing. His eyes raked up and down my body, and he couldnt bring his eyes off of my face.

'Lucy...you...you look.....great. have fun.:

I smiled at him and went out the door, holly behind me.

'So....' holly said. I looked at her weirdly. 'What?' She sighed, exasperated.

'What was that!? Spill!! You and Lockwood!' I rolled my eyes at her.

'Like I've told you and George multiple times before, nothing is going on between me and Lockwood. It'll never happen. We're just friends, and he doesn't like me that way. Neither do I.' She chuckled.

'You really expect me to believe that? The guy was literally drooling over you a second ago!' i rolled my eyes. 'whatever. Are we going to the bar, or what?' Holly sighed, irritated. I walked with her to our cab, where all her friends were sitting. Holly greeted them, kissing who i assumed was her girlfriend, then introduced me to Chloe and Stacy, and Liv- her girlfriend. We make our way to the bar, and step out, the nightlife active and bustling. I walk inside, a bit confused at first- it was my first time at a club.

But eventually, i figure things out and order a round of shots. As i bring them to our table, the girls look at me expectantly.

'what?' i raise my brows. 'get your own.' holly chuckles. 'Honey, one shot per person. Not a round per person.'

Oh. 'Oh.' i shrug. 'You know what? To hell with it.'

I chug down all five.


As the night progressed and the drinks flowed freely, I found myself letting loose more than usual. Laughter filled the air, and I felt lighter than I had in a long time. I said things i shouldn't have, which i can't even remember at this point. At some point, I noticed Lockwood's name flashing on my phone screen.

'Speak of the devil,' I muttered, accepting the call.

"Lucy! You called. Are you okay? It's late," Lockwood's voice sounded concerned.

"I'm f-fine, Lockwood.' I slur, passing out, holly and the girls to be found.

'Lucy? LUCY!?'

Lockwood's POV

Oh, for fucks sake, this girl was gonna be the death of me.

I glance down at the phone and sigh, making a choice. At one in the morning, i step out of my pajamas, wearing my jeans and jacket and heading to every pub nearby.

Which was a lot.

But luckily, i managed to call holly and get the name of the pub. Which was tough, considering holly was somewhere in her apartment snogging her girlfriend with her phone on silent. But i got the name anyway.

I rush to the pub, and find Lucy...dancing. on a table. Wearing someone else's t shirt. I sigh, a mixture of disappointment and jealously in my eyes. I grab Lucy's hand and tug her down.

'Hey, hey, cmon, i was having fun-'

'You're drunk, Luce. Very.' I go outside the pub, tugging her along and calling a cab.

God, she did things to me.


We reach home and I'm about to drag her to her room when I realise her room is getting whitewashed. I sigh, plopping her on my bed.

'Put these on.' I throw her my pajamas, shutting the door behind me as she changes. Once I'm sure she's fine, I go back inside to see her passed out on my bed. I smile softly at the sight, kissing her forehead.

'Sleep Well, Luce.' I'm about to head out when I hear her faintly calling out my name. I turn around.

'Thanks, Lockwood. For everything.' I chuckle softly.

'No problem.' when I'm about to leave the room, she speaks again.

'You know, you're pretty great. Sure, you have an ego issue, and you're possesive, plus you have a hero complex, but i love you. Really. A lot.' i freeze at her words, ignoring the insults, and focusing on the fact she... Loved me.

'I- Luce, you don't mean it.' i turn around, facing her. 'Y-you're drunk, and-'

'If I'm gonna be drunk, might as well be drunk in love.'

I freeze again, facing her fully- to see her fast asleep. I sigh, sititng on the edge of the bed and burying my face in my hands.

Worst part is, she'll forget it all tomorrow.

So i won't be able to tell her i love her too.

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