High School AU- Alternate Version 1

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I ran to the classroom. Traffic was murder and we had a math test today. All eyes were on me as I barged into the classroom.

'Sorry.' I murmured as I sank deep into my seat. At once Lockwood and George- my best friends- started bombarding me with questions.

'Traffic', was my only response.



After 5 attempts of cheating, we were sure we had gotten enough correct answers to pass. After 4 more irritating periods, we finally had our lunch break. Me, Lockwood, and George got our usual meal from the cafeteria and sat in our usual spot- under the bleachers. It was a really nice spot. The rose garlands hanging everywhere made it look quite pretty.

I looked at Lockwood and motioned at him to continue.


My heart fluttered. Ok, I admit it. I've had a crush on Lockwood- well crush is a bit too soft of a word to describe it. I've been in love with Lockwood for 3 years.

I know. 3 years, and I hadn't told him. But every girl in school loved him, and he probably didn't feel the same.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. We had just entered Grade 11, which meant we could finally go to prom!

'Yeah? What about it?' Lockwood scratched the back of his neck.

'Uhm...you going...with anyone?'

'No.' I said in what I hoped was a casual tone. Lockwood looked surprised.

'Oh. Ok. Uhm...what about you George?'

'Yeah. With Chloe.' Lockwood and I choked on our pizza.

'WHAT?!' George looked amused.

'Yup. Shocking. I know.' Chloe was like, the definition of perfect. She was the smartest, prettiest, sportiest, but that wasn't even the most shocking part. The most shocking part was that George and Sarah hated each other. They had a rivalry that had been going on for 3 years. They competed in everything.

So, yes. I guess you could say we were shocked. But honestly, I kind of shipped it. Enemies to lovers is my favorite trope. But friends to lovers is too(I shot a glance at Lockwood while thinking that)

'You going with anyone Lockwood?' George asked. I was not looking forward to his response. I did not want to know which brainwashed monkey in love was going to prom with Lockwood.

'No one.' I choked on my pizza for the second time today.

'WHAT!? You're not going with...anyone?'


'No, I just thought you would go with...' I pointed at the 2 fangirls ogling at him from 5 meters. He chuckled and ran his hands through his hair(Gosh, that's so attractive).

'No, of course not.' He cleared his throat.

'Um...So. Luce. Since we're both not going with anyone...' Hope flickered inside of me.

'Maybe we could.....................................................................................................................Netflix and Chill?'

Lockwood POV

'WHAT. THE. HELL?!!!' Lucy had gone back home and me and George were walking back to ours.

George had been friends with me for 6 years, and Lucy, 3 years, 5 months, and 18 days, So I trusted George with more stuff. Especially when I told him I loved Lucy.

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