Never Forget (pt.3)

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Lockwood POV

I paced back and forth in the hallway nervously, waiting for a call from the doctors. After 5 consecutive nights at the hospital, they practically had to drag me back to Portland Row.

I sighed and checked the clock for the 100th time. It was already 5:00 PM and the doctor had sworn to call at 4:50. I- 

Ring!! Ring!!

I picked up the phone at once.


'Yes, hello. Is this Mr. Lockwood speaking?'

'Yes. Is Lucy-'

'She's fine...but she has amnesia. Her memories of the past month have gone.' I dropped the phone in shock. No..NO! This couldn't be happening...I had finally gotten the love of my life...and now she was gone.

'Mr Lockwood? Mr Lockwood? Are you there?'

'Yes...yes. I- can we get her back now?'

'A colleague of yours- George, has already picked her up. Goodbye.'

I dropped the phone and walked to my room and walked back to my room slowly.

I sat on the bed and broke down. The tears flowed so naturally, they didn't stop. And I didn't let them.

No. This...she still liked me right? I mean she had only lost a month's memories. She probably liked me for more time than that. I know I did. So, I would just...confess all over again. No problem. I walked out to the hallway because I heard noises.

The door opened, and I saw Lucy. Lucy. My beautiful Lucy was standing there. 

'Lockwood!' She ran to me as her face broke out in a beautiful grin and she hugged me tight. I loosened a bit, wrapping my arms around her. Maybe she hadn't lost all her memories. Lucy never hugged me. This tightly. She pulled away, blushing furiously.

'Sorry...I didn't mean that.' Nope. She forgot it all.

'It's fine.' I said with a half-hearted smile. I walked over to the kitchen where George was already ready with a cup of tea. Damn, he was fast.

'So...anything important happen in the...month I can't remember?' George looked at me with a smirk playing on his lips. I shook my head. He went on anyway.

'Yeah. Actually, you and Lockwood-'

'NO! Nope. Nothing happened. At all.'

I pulled George to the hallway.

'Later...ok? I'll...later.' I sighed and went to my room to have an emotional breakdown again.


It had been 2 weeks since Lucy had come home. And she remembered everything. Well, everything except for the parts I wanted her to remember. The doctor said those were the most sensitive memories, so she would have trouble remembering those.

I walked over to the kitchen sleepily, seeing I had no sleep as it had been for the past 2 weeks.

Lucy was standing there, holding a cup of tea. Suddenly, she clutched her head and fell to the floor. I rushed to her side at once.

'Lucy! Are you ok? What happened?'

'Some of my memory came back. hurts...'

'Your...memory? Which part?'

'I remember sitting at a restaurant and some guy cleared his throat and I turned around, but I can't remember what happened after that.' Hope lit inside me.

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