Fake Love 2

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 Lockwood POV

Lucy was standing way too close to the edge, her hair and dress blowing. She was going to fall. I ran to her and shoved her aside.

'What the hell Lucy! Don't ever do that.' Don't ever do that to me, was what I wanted to say. God, why could I never tell her the things I wanted to. I could never tell her that all day, every day, all I thought about was her. I could never get the nerve to tell her I was stupid for telling her I didn't love her, because I did.

I brushed hair out of my eyes before realizing how close our faces where. I wanted to....

'Luce I-'

'Guys we should go. The party's wrapping up.' UGH. I mean George was my best friend, but at moments like these, I honestly felt like strangling him. 

We headed down, leaving the bags where we found them. Holly would take them. I took Lucy's hand and we headed out the door in the cab.

   ---Time skip brought to you by Netflix's stupidity---

The ride home was quick. As soon as we stepped into the house, George and Lucy rushed to their rooms. I went into mine, undressed, changed, called Barnes to tell him the details, and went to the kitchen for a cup of tea.

Sitting there was Lucy, her hair in a pony, and wearing a sweater and a skirt. Gosh, she was looking pretty.

Her cheeks reddened and she looked down. 'Thanks.' She murmured. 

Oh. I said that out loud. Well, this was awkward.

'Luce. I....what I said...at the party....about...-'

'It's fine Lockwood. I expected you to say it soon. But it still...hurt.' She got up to leave.

I knew that if I didn't say something at that moment, I would lose her forever. Everything would go back to normal. And I couldn't bear the thought of that happening. I grabbed her hand as she was leaving.

'Luce. I didn't mean that. I do love you.' And I kissed her.

She went rigid, almost making me pull away. Maybe this isn't what she wanted? But then...she kissed me back. Heat passed through me as she ran her fingers up my chest and put one arm around my neck and ran the other hand through my hair. My arms were wrapped around her, pulling her even closer, if that was possible.

We pulled away, blushing madly.

'Well that's good. Because I love you too.' She leaned her head on my chest and sighed.

This moment was perfect. We were together. 

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