Locklyle Cuddles

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Just a cute one-shot(oh btw they're together in this)

I stirred in my bed. It was 2 am, and one of the rare occasions when we actually got to sleep at night. And here I was, wide awake.

An absurd thought made its way to my brain. I brushed it aside, ignoring the idea, but it kept coming back. I finally took action and got out of bed.

I slowly made my way downstairs, hoping the creaks wouldn't wake anyone. Well, George I knew was a heavy sleeper, so no problem there.

I tiptoed to Lockwood's room and slowly got in his bed. He was sleeping peacefully, with his hair ruffled up just the way I liked it. I didn't realize I had a preference, but I guess I did. 

Then I suddenly realized what a bad idea this was. It was far too soon for this. I got up to leave when-

'Luce?' I spun around. Lockwood was lying there, eyes half-open. He gave me a smile. 

'Why are you...you don't have to....when did you...Stay.'

'Uhm...I...uh...you want me to?' He nodded slowly and lifted the sheets, motioning me to get in. I did so.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer, and gently kissed my forehead.

'Goodnight Luce.'


Lockwood POV

I woke up, flickers of sunlight falling on my face. Lucy was sleeping next to me, cuddling in my arms. I smiled at her. Some hair was falling on her face, so I gently brushed it aside and kissed her. She was looking so peaceful and carefree. 

I got out of bed slowly and went to the kitchen to get a cup of tea.

I walked back to my room and opened the curtains. Then I got back in bed.

Slowly, Lucy stirred and rested her head in my lap. I smiled at her.


Lucy POV

The sun was shining brightly on my face. The lights were off, but the curtains were open. I slowly blinked and realized my head was in Lockwood's lap.

He looked down and realized I was awake. He smiled gently and kissed me. His hair was ruffled in a way that made my heart speed up. I blushed, my brain still processing all this. Then I got up quickly and banged my head in the process.

'Hey, hey, hey! Luce! It's okay!' He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. I sighed and leaned into his chest.

'Good Morning Luce.' I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. His ears tinted red.

'Good Morning Lockwood.'

I KNOW 2 UPDATES IN 1 DAY! INSANE! Hope you liked it

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