Forever & Always- part 1

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I ran to the front door and frantically rang the bell. Goddamn it, Lockwood, open the door! 

Finally, he opened the door in his giraffe pj's and ruffled hair, eyes drowsy like he had just woken up. I rolled my eyes as he lingered by the doorframe, eyeing me down(not in the checking out way) as I waited for him to let me in. When he saw my state, he was immediately at my side, wrapping his arms around me as he let me in.

'Lucy, what's wrong?' he asked me, his tone concerned. 'You're shivering. Did you get caught in the rain?' I nodded shakily. 'Did you manage to find a cab?' I shot him a look that said, Obviously not.

Meanwhile, Lockwood was bringing me to his room and rummaging for something in his drawers, and he tossed me a brown hoodie and a pair of pajamas i had never seen his wear before.

'Here, change. Your heat is broken, and all your clothes are at the laundromat. I'll...leave.' Lockwood left the room, closing the door behind him.

I changed, a bit in shock. This was weird. I was in Lockwood's room, wearing Lockwood's clothes. I was putting on my hoodie when I heard a knock on the door. 

'You done?' I nodded, before realizing he couldn't see me. 'Yeah.' Lockwood came in.

'My clothes look good on you.' He said, bluntly checking me out. I blushed when Lockwood came closer to me and pushed me on the bed. 

'Cmon, get inside the sheets.' Oh. I don't know what I had been...expecting. I sighed and got in his bed, while he tucked me in.

'I'm going to get you some tea.' I nodded as he walked away.

I don't know if I had dozed off, or he was worried about me, but he came back insanely fast.

'Here's your tea.' He sat on the corner of the bed, and we were just sipping tea for a while. He took my cup when we were done and left. 

Eventually, I dozed off, and  I remember Lockwood laying down next to me and kissing my forehead. I felt him hesitate at my mouth, lingering right on top of my lips, before sighing and laying back down, his back to mine. The last thing I remember was wishing he kissed me.


Lockwood's POV

I blinked as the sun fell on my face, and I felt a warm pair of arms around mine. I craned my giraffe neck and saw...Lucy. Looking as ethereal as ever.


The events of the previous night came back to me. I saw her sleeping, and instinctively, or, one might say, protectively, lay down and snuggled next to her. I wanted to protect her. I would jump off a building if anything happened to her. And then, I wanted to kiss her. And then I fell asleep.

Too much stuff for me to process.

I felt Lucy stir beside me, and her head was buried in my chest. I caressed her cheek as the thought came into my head- God, I loved her.



As a friend! As a colleague! Nothing more!


I couldn't.

I...she was a colleague. Nothing else. Yes, I had developed some...feelings, towards her that were...stronger than friendship, but...I couldn't.

Could I?

I got out of bed with a head full of confusing thoughts and headed to the living room quietly so I wouldn't wake up Lucy. George, I didn't need to worry about. He was too much of a cow to wake up even during an earthquake. I checked the clock and saw it was only 5 AM, so I lay on the couch and went back to sleep.

Lucy's POV

I woke up, with bright rays of sunlight on my face. I analyzed the unfamiliar surroundings, coming to the conclusion I was in...Lockwood's room? I turned around as if I was expecting Lockwood to be sleeping next to me. But, he wasn't. I felt my heart sink, for unknown reasons. I got up and went to find him.


I found him in the living room, sleeping on the sofa. My heart melted a little at the sight of him sleeping. I had never seen him this...vulnerable before. He was always living life with his guard up, but he looked so peaceful. So majestic. (us whenever we see Lockwood fr)

Then I remembered how he had almost kissed me last night. I felt myself gazing at his lips. His...perfect lips. Had those almost touched mine?

I ran my fingers through his perfect hair before pulling away when he stirred. After making sure he was sleeping, I ran my hands through it again. 

I suddenly realized this was the first time I had touched his hair. Sure, I had fantasized about it, but never actually...touched it. It was soft. So smooth. (really tho give us your conditioner how does he have such perfect hair).

I pressed my lips to his cheek gently before tucking him back in and walking into the kitchen to make myself, and the boys, tea, when George came in.

'Morning.' he said, his eyes fixed on his book.

'Morning George.' He bumped into a chair, wincing and flickering his eyes on me for a second, before looking back down at his book. He then took a long look at me and gasped. I jumped.

'What is it?' I said, confused.

'Lucy...what are you wearing?' Oh. That.

'Oh!...uhm...clothes?' I said, flustered.

'No, no, no! These aren't any clothes. These are Lockwood's clothes. I know, because I gave them to him, but he never wore them. Idiot. Anyway...why? How? Never mind, I don't want to hear about how, or the things you did last night to get his clothes.' I blushed and whacked his arm harshly.

'Shut up! I just got caught in the rain. So, Lockwood gave me his clothes because mine are at the Laundromat.' George gave me his signature "bombastic side eye" and said 'Uh-huh' unconvincingly. I rolled my eyes and took my tea and toast to my room.

Wow, Lockwood was right. It was pretty cold in here. I tucked myself inside my thin sheets and sipped my tea. I shivered and got up to get a thicker blanket when I tripped on my plate. I tried to get up, but...couldn't.

'Lockwood! George!' I called out weakly before feeling a sharp pain in my ankle and passing out.


I know, it's been a long time. But I discovered cringe stories from a year ago, so...brace yourself. Right now, it's fine, but wait till the ending😭😭(i internally- and externally- cringed, and you will too! you're welcome.)

xo, dorothea🌼

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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