Game Night 1

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This one is not one of my best works....constructive criticism is welcomed!

'So...' I looked up at Holly. She had finally taken a break from her cleaning frenzy.

'I think we should do a game night.'

We had been getting a lot of cases lately, you know when we sort of defeated Marrisa Fittes. True Hauntings had called us "The best agency in London". That gave us a lot of publicity. After a while, we got pretty weak, and Holly canceled all our appointments. So we had a day off.

I was drawing, Lockwood reading an article(about himself) in True Hauntings, George was experimenting on the skull(no, it had not come back) and Holly was cleaning. It was all very....boring.

Lockwood looked up. He said 'No.' At the same time, I said 'Yes.'

We all looked at George.

'Sure. Let's do it.' Holly burst out in glee.

'OK, we'll start with...spin the bottle.'


Holly had gotten a bottle from the kitchen. We were all sitting in a circle. Holly spun first.

It landed on...Lockwood. Jealousy raged through my veins. She looked nervously at me.

'I'm a lesbian. So..'(She had come out to us a week ago.)

'Rules are rules, Holly.' Lockwood was fumbling, looking down at his hands. Holly reached over. And kissed him.

She pulled away, red-faced. 'Uhm...let's play something else.'

'Truth or Dare.' George said. his mouth was full of cake, but his face was expressionless.

'Okay.' I didn't feel like kissing anyone at the moment.

'Lucy, Truth or Dare.' Ok, I admit it. I screwed up.


'I dare you to kiss Lockwood.' said George, grinning.


'Okay, what are your feelings for Lockwood?' My cheeks were going alarmingly red.

'I...I need to go to the bathroom.'

I went to the kitchen and steadied myself against the wall. I mean, Lockwood is my boss, and my very good friend, but do him? I was jealous when Holly kissed him, and I found myself going red when I was close to him, thinking of him, talking to him, looking at him, and doing anything that involved him. I knew my feelings for him weren't just friendship...but I never would come to this.

That was that then. I loved Anthony Lockwood.

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