The Letter

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After TEG. Lucy gets hurt on a case because of LW and he leaves.

DING-DONG! The bell rang. George was out, so I got up to open the door. It was probably our weekly supply of salt bombs, but if George had ordered Arif's again, I swear to god- 

It was Lockwood. I stood gaping at him. The events of last month came rushing back. How I'd come in close proximity of the ghost in attempts to make a connection with it, how it had ghost-locked me, and then almost ghost-touched, and how Lockwood had done a complex move to destroy the ghost and how he had stabbed me in the process. How I went into a coma and woke up to find him gone. How we had spent 3 weeks to find him. 

And now he was here.

'Hey Luce.' he said with a sheepish smile. And I slapped him.

'OW!' He rubbed his cheek. 'Although I probably deserved it.

Damn right, he did.

And then I slammed into him and hugged him tight. He froze before wrapping his arms around me. I pulled him into him and sobbed into his chest for what seemed like hours.

I pulled away and brushed the tears from my eyes.

'WHERE DID THE HELL DID YOU GO LOCKWOOD? DID YOU-' I calmed myself and took a deep breath. ' Did you know how worried we- how worried I was' I said, my voice cracking, tears threatening to spill over again. 

'I...' he sighed and looked down. 'I couldn't bear the thought that I had...hurt you. I'd die for you Luce. You know that. But...if you died...hell, if anything happened to you...because of me. I would go crazy. I had to leave. I'm sorry.' He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes, and I couldn't help but give in.

'Ok. I forgive you. Come in. I mean, it is your house, so...' He paused at the doorframe before picking up his bags and heading inside. I couldn't stop looking at him.  There he was, standing right in front of me, with his too-long coat and too-tight shirt and perfect hair- just as I had imagined him for the past 3 weeks.

He caught me staring and grinned. I looked away, blushing. He went into his room. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

'So...are you going to give him the letter?'

I looked at the skull. It was smirking. It had come back when I was in my coma because it "wanted to watch me suffer" but it probably missed me.

And about the letter...right. When Lockwood had left, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I decided to write a letter confessing my feelings and swore- in front of Holly, George, and Kipps, to give it to him when or if he came back.


'OH SHUT UP!' I closed the lever and sighed. Lockwood peeked out from the doorframe. 'What did I do now?' I looked at him with a half-amused expression. 'Just the skull.' I said.' It came back.' I added as an afterthought, seeing his confused expression.

He came into the hallway. 'Where's George?'

'Out.' He nodded.

'I'm going to the bathroom. Be back in a sec.' I nodded as he walked away. The skull looked at me with an expression that almost seemed to say 'So?' I sighed. It was now or never. I took the letter from my pocket and walked into Lockwood's room. I looked around and decided to place it on his pillow.

I heard footsteps so I walked out of the room quickly. Lockwood had come downstairs. He looked at me and offered me his arm.

'Let's go for a cup of tea. We have a lot of catching up to do Luce.'

We walked down the streets of London together, holding hands. We entered a cafe, sat down, and ordered 2 cups of tea. 

'So...where did you stay...when you were...away?'

'Oh...uhm...I stayed at Jessica's old friend's house. I rid her house of 2 ghosts when I recently became an agent, and she couldn't pay me, so she owed me.' I nodded and sipped my tea quietly.

'Luce... I have to tell you something. When I was away, I thought a lot about...well...' he blushed and scratched the back of his neck nervously. 'You.' I looked up at him in surprise and choked on my tea.

'I...Luce...I love-'

'SWEETHEART!!??' I looked up. It was a pretty girl in a tight black top and tights I could never fit in. She had a fair-ish complexion and her silky black hair was done up in a ponytail.

Lockwood was confused, to say the least.

'Uhm...excuse me? What-'

'Honey! You never caught me up on that second date!' She gave him a peck on the lips and sat on his lap. Jealousy raged through my veins. Guess he found himself a girlfriend in 3 weeks. I mean, who wouldn't want to be his girlfriend? 



I could not let him see the confession letter now. I got up to leave when he grabbed my hand.


'Save it, Lockwood. I'm leaving. And don't ever-' I held back a sob. '- make me think that you actually care about me. You made me think that we could ever be real.' I stormed away, leaving Lockwood looking hurt.


He should be.

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