The Date

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Me and Lockwood were walking down the streets of London together, Lockwood holding Mrs. Salvator's Source in his hand. George had gone home because he was 'too tired to walk', so me and Lockwood were giving the Source to the furnaces.

We walked in. Tom Blythe was working the desk. He was a nice guy, with an unruly mop of black hair and a sweet smile. He kept giving me signs, but I pretended to be oblivious to them. He was sweet, but not my type. Lockwood was.

He nodded at us and gave me the form. While I was filling it out, he said: 'Lucy...' I looked up and motioned at him to continue.

'Will you go out with me?'

I looked up at him in surprise, then at Lockwood with the corner of my eye. He was glaring at Tom angrily. Very angrily. His hands were balled into fists. I sighed. It had been 5 years, and Lockwood hadn't made any move.

'Ok. Pick me up at 7.' Lockwood looked at me in surprise. I gave the source to Tom and headed  outside. At once, Lockwood was at my side.

'So...a date huh?' He looked mad, but he tried to hide it.

'Yeah. Is that a problem?' I so badly wanted him to say something but all he said was 'No. It's fine.' We paused at the doorframe. He opened his mouth to say something. All I wanted was for him to say that he loves me, he wants me, but that day would never come. I went up the stairs to my room.

Lockwood POV

Lucy walked back to her room. God, all I wanted was to say 'I love you.' But I couldn't. Because I was a stupid, nervous prick.

I went to my room and went to sleep with a heavy heart.


'Lockwood! Time for Lunch! Go get Lucy!' I got out of bed sleepily and slowly walked to Lucy's room. Her door was closed. I knocked.

'Lucy!' No answer. I guess she must be sleeping. I slowly opened the door.

She was lying in her bed, and looking so calm and peaceful. How I wished I could kiss her there and then. I walked over to her and gently nudged her. She woke up and smiled at me. Then the smile turned to a frown.

'Oh. It's you.' She got up and walked out. I sighed. I don't know why she hated me so much. I walked downstairs and we had lunch in complete silence.

Lucy POV

It was 7 PM. I had gotten ready. I was wearing a dress Holly had gifted me last year(given above) I had about 10-15 minutes till Tom picked me up. Tom.

I sighed. Tom was so sweet...but I didn't....want him. I wanted Lockwood. But he had made it clear he didn't love me. The bell rang, interuppting my thoughts.

I walked downstairs. Lockwood was standing there. He smiled sadly when he saw me.

' look great Luce. Enjoy your date.' Then he walked to his room. I sighed and opened the door.

Tom was standing there in a t-shirt and jeans. He smiled when he saw me.

'You look great Lucy. Shall we go?' He took my hand. It felt hard and rough when comparing it to Lockwood's. I shook my head. I couldn't be thinking about him now.

When we were halfway there, I stopped in my tracks. Tom looked at me with confusion.

'Something wrong?' I hesitated.

'I....I'm sorry Tom. You're a good guy...but I can't do this. You can find someone better than me.' He sighed.

'It's Lockwood isn't it?' I nodded. 'Makes sense.' He let go of my hand and walked away. I sighed and walked back home.

Lockwood POV

The bell rang. George was researching for our next case, so I walked to door and opened it. It was Lucy. I blinked in surprise.

'Back so-' Then I noticed the tears streaming down her face. My expression immeaditaly changed. 

'Lucy. What happened?' I put and arm around her and got her inside. She was sobbing.

'I couldn't do it.' I sighed in relief. I didn't know how much I was dreading her date till nnow.

'That's understandable...but why?'

'Because...' She sighed and walked to her room. I knew I shouldn't be doing it, but I followed her to her room. I heard a thump. She was leaning against the door. I heard her sob.

'Because...because I love you Lockwood.'

Lucy POV

I blinked. It was already morning. I was in my head. I fell asleep on the ground but...never mind. I had felt something warm on my cheek in the night, but it was probably my imagination.

I got up and got ready. I walked downstairs. I felt free. I had been hiding those words in my head so long, it felt good to say them out loud. I know no-one had heard me but still....

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Lockwood was standing near the counter, his back to me. His body posture wasn't as cool and composed as it always is. 

He turned and saw me. He looked suprised. Like really surprised.

'Luce I....Oh screw it....I heard what you said. In your room.' His ears tinted red. I looked down, blushing.

'Lockwood...I'm sorry. I just had to get it out. I know you don't feel the same way and that's-' And before I could finish what I was trying to say, he kissed me.

I was surprised. Well, surprised is 1% of what I was feeling. I could never- in a million years- have imagened that Lockwood, the boy I loved, kissed me.

My body went still. I froze. Then I kissed him back, something I'd been wanting to do for very long.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He tightened his grip around me and pulled me closer. I sighed and ran one hand through his hair. It was much softer than I thought they would be.

I pulled away, blushing. He shot me a grin that made my knees wobble.

'Well...this isn't how I planned the uhm...whole thing to go.' I laughed at him.

'Oh really? How did you plan the "whole thing" to go?' He laughed akwardly.

'Well I was planning a really romantic confession picnic.' I smiled at him.

'We can still do that. I won't mind.' He chuckled and looked down. Then he looked back up at me with a smile and a sparkle in his eyes.

'I love you Luce.' I smiled at him.

'I love you too Lockwood.'

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