The Letter 3

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Dear Lockwood, 

if you're reading this, it means you've come back. If you're reading this, it means I am about to do the thing that will jeopardize our friendship forever. For the better or the worse, that, I don't know.

Lockwood, I love you. I always have. Ever since I entered the door for the interview, I knew I would end up falling for you. And I did. When you left, I realized I had to confess. I couldn't hide it anymore. Losing you made me realize how much you affected me.

You probably don't feel the same but I had to get it out. 

Love, Lucy

I stood gaping at the letter for ages. SHE. LOVED. ME. SHE LOVED ME!!! Oh. That's why she took the letter. She thought that girl was... I HAD TO FIND HER AND TELL HER I LOVED HER TOO!

I heard the door open so I rushed to Lucy's room, put the letter on the windowsill, and ran back downstairs. 

It was time to confess my feelings.

Lucy POV

I walked to the room. The skull was grinning from ear to ear. I sighed. What now??!!! I twisted the lever and it burst out talking.

'Lucy!!! You will never believe who was here! It was Lockwood! AND HE HAD THE LETTER WITH HIM!! Then he ran out. Seeing his expression, he had obviously read it.' 

Wait. WHAT!!?? He came in here and READ THE LETTER!!!!!?????? OH, I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!!!

But more importantly, he read the letter!! I would have to come up with some excuse as to why I wrote that. 

I rushed downstairs and went into Lockwood's room. He was pacing back and forth nervously and mumbling incoherent things to himself.

'Lockwood.' I said in a cold voice I normally never used for Lockwood. He spun around and grinned nervously when he saw me.

'Luce-' I slapped him.

'OW! What was that for?'

'That was for breaking my heart, sneaking into my room, and READING MY PRIVATE STUFF!!!' he cursed under his breath. 

'Shit. The skull saw me. Well, I had expected more time but...' I looked at him questioningly. He sighed and offered me his arm. I reluctantly took it.

We walked silently down the pathway and went to the park. He led me to a lovely garden and we sat down on a bench.

'So...' he chuckled. 'I have a lot to explain.' He sighed and looked down nervously.

'When I...ran away...I went to the same cafe...and that girl asked me out. I said no, that I already loved...someone else. I guess, when she saw you with me, she got jealous. And...about the letter...'

He took my hand and took me to the center of the garden. He took a deep breath.

'About the letter...I'm glad you feel that way. Because I love you too.' And then he kissed me. I went limp, but inside, my heart was soaring with joy.

Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me closer. I finally unfroze , and put my arms around him. I ran one hand up his spine, all the way to his hair. I wrapped the other hand around his neck and sighed.

He pulled away, grinning.

'I've been wanting to do that for a long time now Luce.' I smiled before planting another(short) kiss on his lips.

'Me too Lockwood. Me too.' 

We went to the bench and sat. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. I sighed and rested my head against his chest. He put his free hand in mine.

'I love you, Lockwood.'

'I love you too Luce.'

I know. 3 updates in 3 hours. Insane. But I was making up for lost time. The next one will be tomorrow. 


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