Game Night 2

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Ok, so I thought of 2 alternate endings for this one so I'm just gonna write both.

Alternate Ending 1

'Luce? You okay? You don't have to say anything. George is a jerk for making you do that.'

I turned around. Lockwood was standing there, blushing more than I had ever seen him blush in the 5 years I'd known him. 

'I mean I know you don't feel anything for me so...' he cleared his throat nervously. 'Should we-'

And then I grabbed his collar and kissed him. He was shocked, I could tell, but then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, my arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled away, giving me the warm smile that he always seemed to keep for me, and the one that somehow always managed to give me butterflies.

'I do like you, Lockwood.' He grinned.

'That's good. But I'm not sure if I like you too.' I scowled and punched him a little too hard in his stomach. He winced.

'Ok, Ok! I like you too Luce.'

Alternate Ending 2

I calmed myself and slowly walked to the living room. As soon as I did that, Lockwood stepped in front of me AND KISSED ME!!!

I froze. I could barely process the matter at hand when he pulled away. He looked disappointed to see my expression of shock. Complete and utter shock.

'I knew it. Sorry, it was a dare. Also, I had to be sure if you liked me. You don't, that's for sure.'

He turned away and walked back to his position. Then, before I could overthink it too much, I grabbed his hand and kissed him. I kissed Anthony Bloody Lockwood.

He gradually got over the shock and wrapped one arm around me. He cupped my cheek and smiled into the kiss as I ran my hand through his hair. I pulled away, smiling with a red face.

'I do like you, Lockwood. I think it's more than that by now though. I think...I love you.'

He grinned and opened his mouth to say something when a loud squeal came from the other side of the room.

'You did it! Our plan worked!' Holly yelled. Then she gave George a high-five. I looked at Lockwood. He was as confused as me.

'Excuse me? What plan?'

'Holly and I were sick of you 2 not confessing your feelings for each other, so we planned game night. And it went exactly as we planned!'

'Not exactly as we planned. The kiss with Lockwood was not part of the plan. Truth or Dare was Plan B.' 

Lockwood smiled at them, while I scowled.

'Thank you. Honestly. If you wouldn't have done this, then I wouldn't have been able to tell Lucy something.' He turned to me.

'As a response to your "confession", I love you too Luce.'

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