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I applied my makeup-yes, Holly told me I had to wear it(but she taught me how to apply it, so I was fine)

We had been invited to a DEPRAC ball- since we demolished Fittes(and Rotwell too, since Rotwell was part of a Fittes), DEPRAC hosted a ball to celebrate the demolishing of our enemy(Marrisa Fittes), which I thought was funny, since she had been DEPRAC's leader just a while ago.

I wore my dress(above), well it was sort of a ballgown, it gave me Cinderella vibes. It was a floor-length, STUNNING, kind-of-see-through, sky-blue dress. Lockwood's necklace(TWS one) matched perfectly with it.  I wore my flats(I would never wear heels, no matter how hard Holly tried).

I walked down the stairs in what I hoped was a graceful manner. But then, of course, I tripped over thin air and fell- in Lockwood's arms.

That flicker of a moment seemed to last seemingly forever. We stood there, gazing into each other's eyes, when Lockwood blinked and looked away. My face felt extremely hot. His looked the same. (ofc it did Lucy. Isn't it always? Now back to the story- I promise, there will be no more, ok a few more comments of me fangirling over Lockwood.)

He helped me up and raked his gaze over me and smiled.

'You...' he cleared his throat. 'You look lovely Luce.' His beam widened when he saw me wearing the necklace he gave me all those years ago. I guess he was surprised I still had it. I took my chance and looked at Lockwood's outfit. He seemed like he was born into his tux. His hair, perfect as always, was gelled down in a way that made me want to ruffle it up again.

George came out of his room, wearing a suit that for once, looked good on him.

'Shall we go?' George acknowledged us and headed out the door to the waiting taxi. We did the same.


DEPRAC really had done a good job. Their dull base looked nice, for once. Lavish decorations hung on the walls and waiters walked around serving snacks and drinks to the guests.

Me and Lockwood took a glass from a tray(contents unknown), while George walked over to a girl who had supposedly- winked at him. I mean he was probably delusional, but they had started up a conversation, so I guess not.

We finished the contents of our glass quickly when 'Lover' by Taylor Swift started playing.

Lockwood smiled at me and offered me his hand. 'Care for a dance?" I smiled back and took his hand. 'Always.'

We walked hand-in-hand to the dance floor, a cleared-out space in the center of the hall. Lockwood wrapped his arm around my waist, and I put one around his neck.

He spun me around and I twirled away from him. As I was twirling back, he grasped hold of my waist more tightly, but in a gentle way- if that makes sense- and pulled me close till our faces were just an inch away from each other.

A half second later, he kissed me. Before I could process the fact that my crush was kissing me, he pulled away with a flushed face. I tried to cool down my tomato-red face.


'I'm so sorry Luce. I don't know why I...did that. I...uhm...I'll go now.' He released me and walked away.

Before I could overthink it, I grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him close to me till our noses were touching.

'It's ok.' And with that, I gave him a peck on the lips. I mean it was supposed to be a peck, but Lockwood snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer as if he was afraid of letting go. I wrapped my arm around his neck and let the other cling loosely to his hair. Gosh, how I'd been wanting to do this.

We pulled away with flushed faces, gasping for breath, just as the last word lingered in the air.


Part 2 of Game Night soon! 

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