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Birla mansion.
Ruhi came downstairs.... She was wearing a black dress with a white shoes and light make up.

Ruhi saw Abhir was waiting for her for breakfast

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Ruhi saw Abhir was waiting for her for breakfast. She went to take a seat.

Abhir look at her.

Ruhi: Good morning Bhai.

Abhir: Good morning Ru

Ruhi: Omg you make my fav pancakes.

Abhir: Of course I did for my princess.

Ruhi: Thank you Bhaiya.

Abhir: Won't you go to the hospital?

Ruhi: No actually Bhai today I am off. I am going to mall. I need to buy things for me.

Abhir: Okay.. be safe and keep your phone with you. Answer my call when I call you.

Ruhi: God Bhaiya! You worried so much. I would be fine.

Abhir: Ruhi! You are my only family and I am worried about you.

Ruhi: Ok my Bhaiya.
Abhir smile.

Ruhi and Abhir eat their breakfast. Once they were done. Ruhi and Abhir leave.

Abhir: Wait!

Ruhi look at him.
Abhir: Drive safe Okay! And don't answer any call while you are driving!

 Abhir: Drive safe Okay! And don't answer any call while you are driving!

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Ruhi: Yes...
Ruhi hug Abhir and left.

Abhir close his eyes and relax. Abhir hate to drive that's why he has a driver for himself. He is scared to drive as that's how he lost his father.

His father was driving and they did an accident but his father died and he was safe.

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