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The Goenka mansion was filled with the warm glow of evening lights as the family gathered for dinner. The aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, and everyone was seated around the large dining table, enjoying the meal together. The atmosphere was light, with soft conversations and laughter filling the room.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and the butler announced the arrival of unexpected guests. All heads turned as Reyansh walked in, accompanied by his parents, Ananya and Rohit, and his younger sister, Adya. The Goenkas exchanged surprised glances, and Abhira's smirk hinted at her satisfaction. She knew her plan had worked.

"Reyansh! Ananya, Rohit, Adya! What a surprise," Aarohi greeted them warmly, though confusion flickered in her eyes.

Reyansh's expression was tense, his eyes scanning the room in search of Ruhi. He barely noticed Abhira's triumphant smile as he stepped forward, feeling the weight of the promise he had made to Ruhi.

"We're sorry for dropping by unannounced," Ananya said with a gracious smile. "But we have something important to discuss with all of you."

Abhir, Ruhi and Abhira's elder brother, looked at Reyansh and his family with surprise. "What's going on?" he asked, unable to mask his curiosity.

Reyansh took a deep breath, his gaze finally settling on Aarohi and Adhiraj. "We've come to ask for Abhira's hand in marriage," he announced, his voice steady but lacking enthusiasm.

The room fell silent. Aarohi and Adhiraj exchanged shocked glances, and Shaira, Ruhi's younger sister, looked confused but remained quiet. Ruhi, who had just entered the room, froze in her tracks, her heart aching at the sight of Reyansh. She knew this was happening because of her.

Aarohi composed herself first. She turned to Abhira, her expression a mix of surprise and concern. "Abhira, is this what you want? Do you truly love Reyansh?"

Abhira's smirk turned into a softer, more innocent smile. "Yes, Maasi. I love Reyansh and want to spend my life with him."

Adhiraj studied his niece for a moment, then looked at Reyansh, whose eyes were still searching for Ruhi. "Reyansh, do you love Abhira? Are you sure this is what you want?"

Reyansh hesitated for a brief second, his eyes locking onto Ruhi's from across the room. She gave him a small, pleading nod, reminding him of his promise. He forced a smile and turned back to Adhiraj. "Yes, I do. I want to marry Abhira."

Abhir's surprise turned into skepticism. "This is so sudden. Are you sure this isn't just... I mean, are you both really ready for this?"

Adya, sensing the tension, tried to diffuse it with a supportive smile. "We just want what's best for Reyansh and Abhira. We believe they make a great match."

Aarohi glanced at Adhiraj, who gave her a subtle nod. She took a deep breath and turned back to Reyansh and his family. "If Abhira is happy and Reyansh is sure, then we give our blessing."

Abhira's smirk returned as she glanced at Ruhi, who was standing in the corner, her face a mask of composed resignation. Shaira, still confused, looked between her family members, trying to understand the situation.

Ruhi's heart broke seeing the man she loved standing next to her sister, about to become engaged. But she kept her promise to Abhira, swallowing her pain for the sake of family harmony.

As everyone settled back at the table, the atmosphere was tense and filled with unspoken emotions. Reyansh, still feeling the weight of his promise, sat beside Abhira but kept stealing glances at Ruhi, who avoided his gaze. Abhir continued to watch the scene unfold, his protective instincts on high alert, while Shaira remained silent, still processing the unexpected turn of events.

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