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The day had finally arrived for the former interns—they were now officially residents, each assigned to a specific doctor's service. The hospital was bustling with activity as they prepared to start their new roles.

Shaira on Dr. Reyansh's Service

Shaira stood outside Dr. Reyansh's office, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nerves. She knocked and entered, finding Dr. Reyansh reviewing patient charts.

"Good morning, Dr. Reyansh," Shaira greeted him.

Reyansh looked up and smiled warmly. "Good morning, Dr. Goenka. Ready for your first day as a resident?"

Shaira nodded. "Absolutely. I'm looking forward to learning from you."

"Great to hear. We'll be starting with rounds. Let's go," he said, leading her out of the office. As they walked through the corridors, Reyansh explained their patients' conditions and treatment plans, making sure Shaira understood every detail.

**Aryan on Dr. Ruhi's Service:**

Aryan was waiting outside the general surgery department when he saw Dr. Ruhi approaching. He straightened up and smiled. "Good morning, Dr. Goenka."

Ruhi returned the smile. "Good morning, Dr. Mehra. Ready for some action in general surgery?"

"Absolutely," Aryan replied, trying to contain his excitement.

"Great. We have a busy day ahead. Let's start with the morning rounds," Ruhi said, leading the way. As they checked on patients, Ruhi was thorough in her explanations, ensuring Aryan was up to speed with each case.

**Trisha on Dr. Abhir's Service:**

Trisha found herself in the orthopedic department, where Dr. Abhir was already waiting. "Good morning, Dr. Goenka," Trisha greeted him.

"Good morning, Dr. Kapoor," Abhir replied, smiling. "Ready to tackle some bones today?"

"Definitely," Trisha said enthusiastically.

"Good to hear. We have a few surgeries scheduled, so let's get started with the pre-op assessments," Abhir instructed. As they moved from patient to patient, Abhir explained each case in detail, making sure Trisha was involved in every step of the process.

Yuvaan on Dr. Abhira's Service:

Yuvaan was assigned to the pediatric department with Dr. Abhira. He approached her office with a mix of anticipation and determination. "Good morning, Dr. Goenka."

Abhira looked up and gave a curt nod. "Good morning, Dr. Verma. Let's see how well you handle pediatrics."

Yuvaan nodded. "I'm ready."

"We'll start with the pediatric rounds. Make sure you're paying attention," Abhira said, leading him to the pediatric ward. Despite her stern demeanor, Yuvaan was determined to learn as much as he could.


Later that Day

During lunch, the new residents gathered in the hospital cafeteria to share their experiences.

Shaira looked around the table, smiling. "How's everyone's first day as residents?"

Aryan grinned. "Dr. Ruhi is amazing. She's a great teacher."

Trisha nodded. "Same with Dr. Abhir. He's really thorough."

Yuvaan sighed. "Dr. Abhira is... intense. But I'm learning a lot."

Shaira chuckled. "Dr. Reyansh is fantastic. I'm learning so much already."

As they talked, they felt a renewed sense of camaraderie. They had all come a long way from their intern days, and now, as residents, they were ready to take on new challenges and grow even further in their medical careers.


Shaira stood by the patient's bedside, her eyes fixed on the vitals monitor. Dr. Reyansh stood beside her, his demeanor calm and focused. The patient, a middle-aged man named Mr. Verma, had been admitted with severe chest pain and was scheduled for an angioplasty.

"Alright, Dr. Goenka," Reyansh began, "let's review the case. What do you see on the EKG?"

Shaira glanced at the EKG printout. "There's significant ST-segment elevation in the anterior leads, suggesting an acute myocardial infarction."

"Correct," Reyansh said, nodding. "Now, what's our immediate course of action?"

"We need to get him to the cath lab for an angioplasty as soon as possible to restore blood flow to the heart," Shaira responded.

"Exactly," Reyansh confirmed. "We're going to perform the procedure together. I'll guide you through it, but I want you to be as hands-on as possible."

They moved swiftly to prepare Mr. Verma for the procedure. Once in the cath lab, Reyansh scrubbed in alongside Shaira, giving her a reassuring nod.

"Remember, stay calm and focus on each step," Reyansh instructed. "We're going to insert the catheter through the radial artery. I'll demonstrate the first part, then you'll take over."

Reyansh expertly guided the catheter into Mr. Verma's artery, explaining each movement as he went. Shaira watched closely, absorbing every detail.

"Your turn," Reyansh said, stepping aside slightly to give Shaira more space.

Shaira took a deep breath and gently took hold of the catheter. With Reyansh's guidance, she maneuvered it through the artery towards the blockage. Her hands were steady, and she felt a surge of confidence with Reyansh's calm presence by her side.

"Good job," Reyansh encouraged. "Now, we're going to inflate the balloon to open up the blocked artery. Keep an eye on the monitors and the patient's vitals."

Shaira carefully inflated the balloon, watching as the blockage cleared on the screen. Mr. Verma's vitals began to stabilize, and Shaira let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

"Excellent work, Dr. Goenka," Reyansh said with a proud smile. "You did great."

Shaira beamed. "Thank you, Dr. Reyansh. It's all thanks to your guidance."

As they finished up the procedure and ensured Mr. Verma was stable, Reyansh turned to Shaira. "You have great potential, Shaira. Keep up the good work, and always remember to stay calm and focused, no matter how intense the situation."

Shaira nodded, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and respect for Reyansh. "I will. Thank you for everything."

Reyansh smiled, giving her a pat on the back. "Now, let's go check on our other patients. There's always more to learn and more lives to save."

As they left the cath lab, Shaira felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Working with Reyansh was challenging, but it was also incredibly rewarding, and she was eager to continue learning and growing under his mentorship.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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