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Shaira storms down the hospital corridor, her fists clenched with anger. Aryan trails behind her, his expression filled with regret.

Aryan: Shaira, wait!

Ignoring him, Shaira quickens her pace, her steps echoing off the walls.

Aryan: Shaira, please, let me explain!

Shaira whirls around, her eyes blazing with fury.

Shaira: Explain what, Aryan? That you think I don't deserve my place here? That I'm only successful because of my family?

Aryan winces at the accusation, realizing the gravity of his words.

Aryan: No, that's not what I meant...

Shaira cuts him off, her voice trembling with rage.

Shaira: You have no idea what it's like, Aryan. To carry the weight of everyone's expectations on your shoulders. To feel like you have to prove yourself every single day, just to be taken seriously.

Aryan's expression softens with guilt as he listens to Shaira's outburst.

Aryan: Shaira, I'm sorry. I didn't realize...

Shaira shakes her head, her anger giving way to frustration and hurt.

Shaira: You didn't realize because you've never had to live with it. You don't know what it's like to be constantly judged and scrutinized, to feel like you're never good enough.

Aryan reaches out, his hand hovering hesitantly in the air.

Aryan: Shaira, I was out of line. I shouldn't have said those things. I know how hard you've worked, and I believe in you.

Shaira's shoulders slump as she finally lets her guard down, the weight of her emotions overwhelming her.

Shaira: It's just... it's hard, you know? Trying to prove myself when everyone already has their mind made up about me.

Aryan steps closer, wrapping Shaira in a gentle embrace, offering her the comfort she so desperately craves.

Aryan: I understand, Shaira. And I'm here for you, no matter what. You're not alone in this.

Shaira leans into Aryan's embrace, grateful for his support in her darkest moments.

Ruhi sits at her desk, engrossed in her work, when the door slams open with a force that makes her jump in her seat. Reyansh storms into the room, his face twisted with anger.

Ruhi: Reyansh, what's wrong?

Reyansh doesn't respond, instead striding toward Ruhi with purpose. He grabs her by the shoulders, shaking her violently.

Ruhi: Reyansh, stop! What are you doing?

Reyansh's eyes bore into hers, his voice seething with frustration.

Reyansh: I need an answer, Ruhi. What are we doing? What is this... relationship?

Ruhi's heart races as she struggles to comprehend Reyansh's sudden outburst.

Ruhi: Reyansh, we've been over this. We agreed to keep things casual, remember?

Reyansh's grip tightens, his frustration boiling over.

Reyansh: Casual? Is that all I am to you? Some meaningless fling?

Ruhi pushes against Reyansh's chest, trying to create some distance between them.

Ruhi: No, of course not. But we both knew what this was from the beginning.

Reyansh shakes his head, his voice raw with emotion.

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