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Outside Goenka mansion.
Abhir look at Ruhi.
Abhir: Whats happening Ru?

Ruhi explain everything to Abhir while crying.
Abhir hug her.

Abhir: stop crying princess. Let's go back home. We will think about something.

Ruhi look at Abhir.
Ruhi: No.. i cant... i will stay here Bhai.

Abhir: But Ruhi..

Ruhi: i need to help my mumma bhai... Abhiraj sir i am the only one that can help mumma to get her memory back. Can you believe it we can have her back in our life...

Abhir: so you are going to leave me alone?

Ruhi: You have Abhira bhai... you won't be alone..

Abhir: I need you ru.

Ruhi: We will meet in the hospital Bhai.. I will come and meet you too. You can come staying here too....

Abhir sigh.
Abhir: I don't have any right to stop you. We need to help Aaru maahi.

Ruhi smile and nods.
Ruhi: Thank you for understanding Bhai..

Ruhi hug Abhir.
Abhir: I am really really sorry... how many time did you need me and I wasn't here. I am sorry Ruhi and don't worry I will take Abhira to take another room.

Ruhi nods....
Ruhi: I will miss you.

Abhir: We will meet tomorrow at the hospital. And don't forget we have 4 more interns coming tomorrow and you will have to guide them.

Ruhi sigh
Ruhi: Argh Bhai! You know how they are! They are so young and still childish.

Abhir laugh.
Abhir: You were also like this. So deal with it baby sister.

Ruhi: It's not funny...

Abhir: And Reyansh will be joining our hospital.. so will Abhira... and Reyansh will help you with the intern don't worry.

Ruhi take a deep breath.
Ruhi: Oh good thank you.

Abhir smile.
Abhir: Okay i am going to leave now. Good luck. If you guys need anything to call me okay.

Ruhi nodded.
Abhir kiss her forehead. They hug each other and then Abhir left and Ruhi went back inside.

Living room.
Ruhi walk back inside.she look at Abhiraj.

Adhiraj: ruhi.

Ruhi: Sir where is mumma.

Adhiraj: you can call me uncle Ruhi.

Ruhi look down.
Ruhi: Mumma won't question me staying here?

Adhiraj: I will tell her you are my family. My cousin daughter. And you will staying with us for some months. Trust me she won't mind.

Ruhi: I know. I know mumma. She is so selfless right.

Adhiraj nodded.

Little Khushi and Kunal run to Ruhi.
Khushi: Who this this Didi papa?

Adhiraj kneel to kunal and Khushi height.
Adhiraj: She is like your elder sister. She will be staying with us.

Khushi and Kunal smile.
Kunal: yayyy we will have so much fun. Can you call you Ruhi di?

Ruhi smile and nodded with tears. She was getting emotional.
Khushi tell ruhi to come closer. She and kunal wipe her tears with their little hand.
Ruhi smile.

Adhiraj: okay Khushi Kunal. Time for bed.
Adhiraj carry both of them.
Adhiraj: first we will show Ruhi her room.
Adhiraj show Ruhi her room and then went to put the kids to sleep.

He also went to sleep beside his wife.

Next morning
Ruhi was standing in front of the receptionist waiting for the interns.

She was wearing a black pants with a light pink shirt and a blazer over it.
She sigh looking at her watch.

She saw Abhir, Reyansh and Abhira coming.
She smile at them.

Ruhi: Good morning...

They greet her back.

Ruhi: Argh Bhai where are they? They are late! And I hate that!

Abhir: okay Ru. Calm down... don't be hard with these poor kids! Reyansh you calm her okay!

Reyansh nodded.
Abhira and Abhir left.

Ruhi: Argh where are they.

Reyansh look at Ruhi
Reyansh: You are looking beautiful

Ruhi look at her.
Ruhi: What? I mean thank you.

They saw four people coming. Two girls and Two boys.

They look at Ruhi and Reyansh with a smile.
Reyansh: This is the intern....This is Yuvaan, Aryan, Shaira and Trisha.

Ruhi look at them.
Ruhi: Welcome...

They all say thank you.
Ruhi: I have 1 rules. Never be late!

They nodded...

Reyansh: so I am Reyansh and this is doctor Ruhi. Me and Doctor Ruhi will assign you work and guide you. Is it clear.

They nodded....
While talking with the intern Ruhi saw Aarohi.
Ruhi: Please take over for sometime. I will just come.
Reyansh nodded and Ruhi left.

Reyansh explain everything to the intern. Everything they need to do.. they left and got to work.

Reyansh also went back to work.

Ruhi: Aunty?

Aarohi look at Ruhi and smile.
Aarohi: I was looking just for you. Adhi told me you went to the hospital to work and thought to bring you lunch.

Ruhi smile.
Ruhi: Aunty it's fine.. you don't need to tired yourself.

Aarohi: No Ruhi! Eating food outside isn't good! Here is your food.

Aarohi hand Ruhi a bag.
Ruhi: Thank you so much. It's mean a lot. Where is the kids.

Aarohi: Home.. adhi is with them... please be come safely.

Ruhi: yes. Don't worry. And even if I am late don't wait for me.

Aarohi nods..
aarohi: Bye.
She left.

Ruhi immediately wipe her tears and went in her cabin.. she keep the bag on the table.

Reyansh enter her cabin. Seeing Reyansh... Ruhi hug him...

Reyansh: What happen angel?

Ruhi: i need you..

Reyansh hug her tightly and kiss her forehead...
They look at each other in the eyes.

The door open... Abhira look at them in jealousy while Abhir look at them with anger.

Abhir: RUHI!

Ruhi immediately leave Reyansh and look at Abhir and Abhira.

Geonka mansion.
Adhiraj was looking after the kids waiting for Aarohi to come back.

He smile look at her coming back.
Adhiraj: Did everything went well my love?

Aarohi nods.
Aarohi: She is very guard up. It's like she doesn't want people to be close to her... like she is scared...

Adhiraj sigh..
Adhiraj: She will keep her guard up as she just knew us.. maybe it will take time.

Aarohi: You are right. But she is so beautiful.

Adhiraj smile.
Adhiraj: Of course. She is just like her mother.
Aarohi was confused... she didn't know he was saying Ruhi was just like her...

Adhiraj hug her.
Adhiraj: Always know I love you and our babies.

Aarohi smile.
Aarohi: I love you too.

Shaira- samridhi shukla
Trisha- Aneri vajani

Yuvaan- kunal jai singh
Aryan- Rohit Purohit

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