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Ruhi stepped into the attending lounge of Birla Hospital, her white coat swinging slightly with each determined stride. The lounge was typically a haven for doctors between rounds, a place to catch a breath or sip a quick coffee. Today, it was nearly empty save for a familiar figure huddled on the couch.

"Abhira?" Ruhi's voice was a mix of surprise and concern. She rarely saw her young cousin, a gynecologist surgeon, in such a state. Abhira's usual poise was replaced by a vulnerable slouch, her eyes downcast.

Abhira looked up, her face pale and eyes rimmed with red. "Ruhi, hey," she said softly, her voice trembling.

Ruhi sat down beside her, worry knitting her brows. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Abhira took a shaky breath, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her coat. "I... I need to tell you something. It's about Reyansh."

The mention of Reyansh, the hospital's brilliant cardiologist, sent a jolt through Ruhi. She had always harbored a special place for him in her heart, a feeling she thought was mutual. "What about him?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Abhira's eyes filled with unshed tears as she looked at Ruhi. "I love him, Ruhi. I love Reyansh."

Ruhi's world tilted. She had to swallow hard before she could speak. "You... you love him?" The words felt like shards of glass in her mouth.

"Yes," Abhira whispered, her gaze pleading. "I've loved him since the beginning. But he doesn't see me that way. He loves someone else."

Ruhi blinked, taken aback. Her mind raced. Reyansh had shown her care and affection, but their relationship had been light and undefined. Hearing Abhira's confession added a new layer of complexity.

"I see the way he looks at you, Ruhi," Abhira continued, her voice trembling. "He looks at you the way I wish he would look at me. But you... you don't seem to care. It's just a fling to you, isn't it?"

Ruhi felt a pang of guilt. Her relationship with Reyansh had always been casual, something she had been hesitant to label. "Abhira, I didn't know you felt this way," she said softly. "But Reyansh and I... we're still figuring things out."

Abhira's expression hardened for a moment, a flicker of something dark crossing her eyes before she masked it with sorrow. She leaned forward, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I just don't want to lose him, Ruhi. And I don't want to lose you either. You're my sister, my family. I need you to understand how much this hurts me."

Ruhi stared at her cousin, torn between empathy and suspicion. Abhira had always been perceptive, sometimes even manipulative when it came to getting what she wanted. Could this be one of those times?

"Abhira," Ruhi began cautiously, "you know I care about you, and I don't want to hurt you. But Reyansh and I... we're trying to figure things out ourselves."

Abhira nodded, tears slipping down her cheeks. "I just... I needed to tell you. Maybe if you knew, you'd understand and help me. I don't want to come between you two, but I can't keep this inside any longer."

Ruhi felt a wave of pity for her cousin. She reached out and placed a hand on Abhira's shoulder. "I'll talk to Reyansh," she said slowly, "but I need you to be honest with me. Are you sure this isn't just a passing infatuation?"

Abhira looked up, her eyes glistening. "I don't know, Ruhi. I just know that it's tearing me apart."

Ruhi sighed, feeling the weight of the situation settle on her shoulders. "Alright. I'll see what I can do. But remember, whatever happens, we're family. We need to be honest with each other."

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