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Birla hospital
Ruhi cabin
Ruhi: yes bhai.

Abhir: what's happening here?

Ruhi: Reyansh is just my friend. He was comforting me.

Abhir: okay!

Abhira: Reyansh can we talk please?

Reyansh: About what?

Abhira: the new interns.

Reyansh: Don't worry Abhira. Ruhi and I will take care of them. We are going right now.

Reyansh: let's go Ruhi
She nodded and leave with Reyansh.

Abhir: Abhira go and check other patients.
Abhira nodded and left.

Abhir sigh.

Hospital hall..
Ruhi sigh seeing the intern pacing around.
Ruhi: Wait!

They look at them...
Ruhi: mr Yuvaan and miss Trisha you two will go with Doctor Reyansh... and I will take Mr Aryan and miss Shaira

They nodded.
Reyansh: Let's go.
Yuvaan and Trisha left with Reyansh.

Ruhi: So.... I don't want you both to talk only if you have questions.

They nodded.
They follow Ruhi.....

Reyansh walk in with Trisha and Yuvaan.
Abhira look at them. She was treating a patient.

Reyansh: I wanted to bring them here so they can see.

Abhira: okay....

Abhira was bandaging the patient head...
Abhira: This man here did an accident... his head was cut open.... Doctor Birla did his surgery and now I am checking it again... he is stable but don't know when he will get conscious.

Yuvaan and Trisha nodded...
Abhira was looking at Reyansh.....

Trisha and Yuvaan look at each other then at Abhira....
They were uncomfortable as Abhira was just staring at Reyansh...

Reyansh: Okay guys.. any question....

Yuvaan: When will we practice.

Reyansh: Don't worry... you guys will be able to preside and treat patient too. And you guys will have a test.

They nods.
Reyansh: Okay it's your break time. You guys can go and eat.
They nods and left. Reyansh was about to leave but was stop by Abhira.

Abhira: Rey

Reyansh look at her.
Abhira: Let's have lunch together....

Abhira: I have an important work. Sorry.

Abhira nods.
Reyansh left....

Another ward.
Three kids were laying on bed... They smile seeing Ruhi....

Ruhi: This is Siya, Ansh and Ruhaan....

Siya: Ruhi Didi... we miss you...

Ruhi: I miss you too princess.

Ruhaan: When can we go home Ruhi di...

Ruhi: Tomorrow... meet Shaira and Aryan. These will check on you.....

Ruhi look at Shaira and Aryan.
Ruhi: These kids had really bad fever.... Due to that they needed to admit in the hospital. You guys will take their temperature and give them their medicine.

They nodded.
Shaira and Aryan went to check the kids.
Shaira: Temperature is good.

After that they give them their medicine.
Ruhi: Good job. Now go take some rest babies.
They nodded

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