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The Goenka mansion stood tall and grand, its familiar warmth beckoning Dr. Ruhi as she stepped through the front door. She had been away for a day, wrapped up in the whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities at the hospital. Now, she was home, hoping for a brief respite from her troubles.

As she walked into the living room, she was greeted by the delighted cries of her little half-siblings, Khushi and Kunal. Their faces lit up as they ran to her, arms wide open.

"Ruhi Didi!" Khushi squealed, hugging her tightly. "We missed you!"

Ruhi laughed, lifting Khushi into her arms. "I missed you too, sweetheart. And you too, Kunal."

Kunal grinned, tugging at her hand. "Come play with us! We've been waiting for you."

Before Ruhi could respond, her mother, Aarohi, appeared in the doorway, a gentle smile on her face. "Let your sister breathe, kids. She's just come home."

"Hi, Mom," Ruhi greeted, setting Khushi down and walking over to hug Aarohi.

Aarohi hugged her back, concern evident in her eyes. "Welcome home, Ruhi. How are you?"

"I'm okay," Ruhi replied, trying to keep her tone light. "Just tired from work."

Aarohi nodded, guiding Ruhi to the sofa. "We need to talk about something important."

Ruhi sighed inwardly, knowing what was coming. She sat down, preparing herself for the conversation.

"Ruhi," Aarohi began, her voice gentle yet firm, "I've heard some things about you and Reyansh. Is there something going on between you two?"

Ruhi shook her head, a sad smile playing on her lips. "No, Mom. There's nothing between us. It's Abhira who loves Reyansh."

Aarohi's eyes narrowed slightly, concern deepening. "Are you sure? I don't want you to sacrifice your happiness for anyone else."

Ruhi looked down, her heart heavy. "I'm sure. Abhira loves him, and I want her to be happy."

Just then, Ruhi's stepfather, Adhiraj, walked into the room, his expression serious. "Ruhi," he said, his tone direct, "I need to ask you about something I saw. The kiss between you and Reyansh. What was that?"

Ruhi felt a flush of embarrassment and guilt. She looked up, meeting Adhiraj's stern gaze. "It was a mistake," she said softly. "It shouldn't have happened."

Adhiraj frowned, his concern clear. "Are you sure, Ruhi? I just want to understand what's really going on."

Ruhi took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. "Yes, it was a mistake. It doesn't mean anything more."

Aarohi, who is also Abhira and Abhir's maasi but have always been like a second mother to them, looked at Ruhi with a mixture of worry and understanding. "Ruhi, you don't have to carry this burden alone. We're here for you."

Ruhi felt a rush of gratitude for her family's support, even in the midst of her turmoil. "I know, and I appreciate it. But right now, I need to do what's best for Abhira."

Aarohi and Adhiraj exchanged a look, clearly still concerned but willing to trust Ruhi's judgment.

"Just remember," Aarohi said softly, "we're here for you, no matter what."

Ruhi nodded, feeling a small measure of peace settle over her. She knew the path ahead would be difficult, but with her family's support, she felt a little more prepared to face it. For now, she would focus on making sure Abhira's happiness was secure, even if it meant setting aside her own feelings.


After the conversation in the living room, Ruhi excused herself and headed to her room, exhaustion and emotional turmoil weighing heavily on her. She sank onto her bed, closing her eyes in an attempt to find some peace and clarity.

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