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Ruhi office
Ruhi wake up hearing someone knocking... she open her eyes annoyingly.... She felt someone hugging her....

She look next to her and saw Reyansh hugging her and sleeping peacefully...

Ruhi: oh no!
Ruhi immediately wake up from the bed and went near the door. She peaked a little and was shock to see her mother.... And Adhiraj...

Ruhi immediately walk to Reyansh..
Ruhi: Reyansh wake up!

Reyansh open his eyes lazily...
Reyansh: Come sleep darling!

Ruhi: Reyansh! My mother is here! Wake up! Please! Go hide in the washroom!

Reyansh finally wake up...
Reyansh: okay!
He walk in the washroom and locked the door...

Ruhi take a deep breath and turn the bed back into a sofa...

Ruhi sigh... and went to open the door...

Aarohi: Ruhi... are you fine?

Ruhi look at Adhiraj...
Adhiraj whispered to Ruhi..
Adhiraj: I am sorry... She wanted to meet you.. she was worried.

Ruhi: It's okay.
She whispered back...

Aarohi: You didn't come home last night....

Ruhi: Yeah.. I had a lot of work here aunty....

Aarohi: It's okay...
Aarohi handed Ruhi a bag.
Aarohi: Here is your breakfast...

Ruhi: Thank you aunty...

Aarohi: Your welcome... and make sure you come back home tonight please!
Aarohi hug Ruhi...

Ruhi was surprise... she was hesitant to hug her back....
Aarohi sigh sadly and leave her.
Aarohi: Okay... we are going to leave now. Have a good day...

Aarohi left without hearing Ruhi... Adhiraj sigh and follow her...

Reyansh came back in the office...
Ruhi look at him.. he had already freshen up...

Ruhi: And why are you here late? Why didn't you go home..

Reyansh: Cause I needed to stay with a patient...

Ruhi; Reyansh please! You don't need to stay because of me... I can be alone! I am fine! I don't need anyone!

Reyansh: Why are you so stubborn Ruhi! You need someone! You can't be alone!

Ruhi; Reyansh out! I don't want to have this conversation okay!

Ruhi went inside the washroom...Reyansh sigh and left.

Outside the hospital...
Aarohi and Adhiraj were standing....
Adhiraj: Why doesn't you tell her you have got your memories Aaru?

Aarohi: I am scared! What if she doesn't accept you.... What if she doesn't want us to be together. I won't be able to refuse her Adhi... she is my daughter... my ru!

Adhiraj close his eyes.
Aarohi: The last time I saw her... she was just a child... my bubbly and chirpy child! Now look at her... she has lost her sparks.... She is not the kids that use to make everyone laugh and smile... I know my daughter too well! She is broken!

Adhiraj hug Aarohi...
Adhiraj: Ruhi need you Aaru... she need her mother... You!

Aarohi: No! I don't want to tell her right now! I want to give her time... time to accept this family... and I know she hasn't! That's why she didn't come last night... when I will be ready I will tell her...

Adhiraj sigh and nods....
Adhiraj: Your nephew and niece?

Aarohi: Abhir.... He is also like my son Adhi and what niece are you saying?

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