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Goenka mansion.
A room.
Ruhi was laying on the bed while still unconscious.

A little boy and a little girl was by her side... with a women and a man by her side.

Ruhi open her eyes slowly. She look at the woman. She was shock. This wasn't possible. She couldn't be my mumma.  

Ruhi look at the women that look exactly like Aarohi.

The man look at Ruhi..
Man: Hello I am Adhiraj Khurana... and this is my wife Aarohi khurana... and these two little kids are our children.... Khushi and Kunal Khurana.

Ruhi look at the man shockingly..
Ruhi: But the picture in the front...

Adhiraj: Aaru it's time for Khushi and kunal lunch...

Aarohi nodded and left with the kids...

Adhiraj: Actually years back I found her. She was in an accident... her state was critical.... I was here to help her as she had no one... and she lost her memories....

Ruhi sigh.. and look at the man with tears.
Adhiraj: how did you get the keys of this house...

Ruhi sigh..
Ruhi: Actually this is my mumma house... Aarohi geonka is my mumma... I thought she was dead...

Adhiraj was shock...
Ruhi: The little girl in the with picture is me....

Adhiraj was shock....
Adhiraj: You are aarohi daughter.

Ruhi nodded with with tears.
Ruhi: I can't believe mumma is alive and she has move on.

Adhiraj: She has lost her memory Ruhi... I didn't have any information about her.... And we both fall in love and got married...

Ruhi sigh....
Ruhi; I should leave.... It's was a mistake to come here..

Adhiraj: She is your mumma Ruhi... you can help her to heal... why will you back out?

Ruhi: Because I don't want to ruin your life sir.... Everywhere I go I just ruin people life...

Adhiraj: With who are you living Ruhi?

Ruhi: My brother. Have you heard of the Birla hospital?

Adhiraj nodded.
Ruhi: It was my dad Neil birla and uncle Abhimanyu Birla hospital.... Abhi uncle have a son and a daughter... I was living with my cousin but since he knew his sister is alive he forgot about me.... That's why I came here.. but I didn't know you guys were living here. I am sorry....

Adhiraj: You can stay Ruhi... you are Aarohi daughter.. she has the right to know about you... the doctor told me that only her family member can help her get her memory.. you can help your mother Ruhi...

Ruhi nodded with tears....
Ruhi: I just need to meet Abhir Bhaiya.. i will come back I promise...

Adhiraj nodded and they both went downstairs... As Ruhi was about to leave Aarohi stop her.

Aarohi: Beta stop..

Ruhi close her eyes tightly and take a deep breath. Then she look at her.
Ruhi: Yes Aunty...

Ruhi: Have lunch with us...

Khushi: Yes Didi... Come have lunch with us...

Ruhi smile with tears and nods.
As Ruhi sat down her phone start to ring... she saw it was Abhir number. She ignore it....

The maid serve Ruhi pasta... Adhiraj smile looking at her.... He can read people easily and he knew Ruhi was a broken girl...

They all eat happily while Khushi and kunal were making lot of jokes making Ruhi smile...
She realized they were her half siblings...

Birla mansion.
After Abhir wake up... he immediately went to see Ruhi. He was surprise to see the door open.. he enter and didn't see anyone...

He was confused.
Abhir: Ruhi!! Princess where are you...

Abhir search everywhere but couldn't find Ruhi...

He saw a paper on the table... he pick up cautiously...

Reading the first line.. he was shock. He sit down on the floor with tears in his eyes...

Abhir: To my dearest brother Abhir... bhai i know your priorities have change now since you have find Abhira... and I completely understand Bhai... as she is your biological sister and I am just your cousin... so I don't want to be a burden to you anymore! I am leaving this house... you would need to worry about me anymore... be happy with Abhira bhai... and know that I will always love you....

Abhir was crying.. he punch the wall..
Abhir: Where have you go Ru... where! I need to find you.

Abhir look for her location and was surprise to find her at the old Goenka mansion.

He run downstairs but was stop by Sakshi.
Sakshi: Where are you going?

Abhir: Have you seen Ruhi living.

Sakshi: No? Why?

Abhir: she left!!! I need to bring her back...
He was about to leave but Sakshi hold his hand...

Sakshi: but Abhira will look for you Abhir

Abhir: Aunty ruhi is more important right now! I have been looking at her since she was a baby. I need her...
He left immediately... he take his car and drive to the location....

Goenka mansion.
Ruhi was talking with Khushi and Kunal when the door open loudly..

Ruhi stand up seeing Abhir...
He walk to her angrily...

Abhir: What the hell Ruhi! Do you know how worried I was! Can't you answer your call!

Ruhi: Bhai..

Abhir: Do not Bhai me! You don't love me anymore! I am sorry! I shouldn't have given Abhira more importance than you.. I am sorry come back home please! don't ever leave like this again...

Adhiraj: Excuse me..
Abhir sigh and look at Adhiraj... he then look around and his eyes went on Aarohi.

Abhir: Maasi..
He whispered.

Abhir was about to say something but Ruhi hold his hand immediately and nodded negatively...

Ruhi sigh.
Ruhi: Meet Aarohi ma'am, Adhiraj sir and their two kids Khushi and kunal..

The little kids glared at Abhir...
Kunal: Why are you screaming at Ru Di!

Abhir: I am sorry. I was just worry for her.

Kunal nodded...

Abhir was confuse.
Abhir: can we talk Ruhi.

Ruhi nodded.
Ruhi: Adhiraj sir we will just come Okay..

Adhiraj nodded and Ruhi and Abhir left...

Aarohi was confuse.
Aarohi; Adhiraj this girl... it's feel like I knew her...

Adhiraj: Don't disturb yourself Aaru... please take some rest.

Aarohi nodded and left while the kids went to play.
Adhiraj sigh..

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