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The evening was calm as Aarohi sat in the cozy living room of the Goenka mansion, her thoughts lingering on the recent events involving her nieces and Reyansh. She decided it was time to have a heart-to-heart with Abhira. She needed to understand the true depth of Abhira's feelings for Reyansh and see if there was more to the situation than what Ruhi had revealed.

"Abhira," Aarohi called out gently as she saw her niece passing by the room. "Can you join me for a moment? We need to talk."

Abhira paused, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face, but she quickly composed herself and entered the room. "Sure, Maasi. What's on your mind?"

Aarohi gestured for Abhira to sit beside her on the plush sofa. "I want to talk about Reyansh. I need to know how you really feel about him."

Abhira took a deep breath, her eyes welling up with tears as she prepared herself for the conversation. "Maasi, I love him. I really do," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "He's everything I ever wanted."

Aarohi studied her niece's face, searching for any signs of insincerity. "Are you sure, Abhira? Love is a strong word. I want to make sure you're not mistaking infatuation or admiration for something deeper."

Abhira nodded, her expression earnest and vulnerable. "I'm sure, Maasi. Reyansh is special to me. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

Aarohi sighed, still uncertain but unwilling to dismiss Abhira's feelings outright. "But what about Ruhi? She says there's nothing between her and Reyansh, but I can see she's struggling with something. Are you absolutely certain she doesn't have feelings for him too?"

Abhira's eyes hardened slightly, but she quickly masked it with a look of sadness. "Ruhi is just trying to protect me, Maasi. She cares about me and wants me to be happy. She would never stand in the way of my happiness."

Aarohi's heart ached at the thought of Ruhi sacrificing her own feelings for her sister. "I understand that, Abhira. But I don't want Ruhi to feel like she has to give up something important to her for your sake."

Abhira leaned in, her eyes pleading. "Please, Maasi, you have to believe me. I love Reyansh, and I know he cares about me too. I just want a chance to be with him, to show him how much he means to me."

Aarohi felt a pang of sympathy for Abhira, but also a lingering doubt. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story. "Abhira, I want you to be happy, but I also need to make sure everyone is being honest with themselves and each other. Are you absolutely sure that Reyansh feels the same way about you?"

Abhira bit her lip, her eyes brimming with tears. "I believe he does, Maasi. I just need your support to help us find out for sure. Please."

Aarohi sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her. "Alright, Abhira. I'll support you, but I also need to talk to Ruhi again. I want to make sure we're not overlooking her feelings."

Abhira nodded, a small smile of triumph hidden behind her tears. "Thank you, Maasi. I promise you won't regret this."

As Aarohi pulled Abhira into a comforting hug, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She wanted to believe in Abhira's sincerity, but she also knew that love and family dynamics were rarely straightforward. She resolved to tread carefully, hoping to navigate the complex web of emotions without causing more pain.


The evening was calm as Aarohi sat in the cozy living room of the Goenka mansion, her thoughts lingering on the recent events involving her nieces and Reyansh. She decided it was time to have a heart-to-heart with Abhira. She needed to understand the true depth of Abhira's feelings for Reyansh and see if there was more to the situation than what Ruhi had revealed.

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