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Ruhi office
Ruhi was lost. She keep looking at the couch where she was with Reyansh. She took the first step...

Ruhi was confuse to see herself in front of her...

Good Ruhi: What did you do Ruhi? You aren't the type of girl that kiss someone without being in a relationship...

Ruhi saw another her..
Bad Ruhi: it's okay Ruhi. I completely understand. And being in a relationship is bad...

Good Ruhi; Shut up... don't listen to her... Reyansh will always love you....

Bad Ruhi: Ruhi! Trust me... don't get in a relationship.... It's bad... it will ruin you... then when Reyansh will be tired of you... he will leave you... you can't let him have that power....

Good Ruhi: Reyansh isn't like this...

Bad Ruhi: If he love her... he wouldn't kiss her back.... He would push her but instead he kiss her back..... he want just sex!

Good Ruhi: No... No... just because he is in love with Ruhi. He is listening to everything Ruhi say and want...

Bad Ruhi: Whatever!

Ruhi was confused.
Ruhi: SHUT UP!
She close her eyes tightly...
Ruhi: Leave!

She open her eyes slowly ans relax when she didn't see herself...
She take some deep breath....

Ruhi heard someone knocking...
Ruhi: Come in.... 

Ruhi was surprise to see Adhiraj and Aarohi...
Ruhi: Aunty uncle. Please take a seat... is everything okay...

Adhiraj: Aarohi faint.. can you please check her.....

Ruhi start to worry.
Ruhi: Why... is she fine... wait I check her up...

Ruhi check Aarohi....
Aarohi: Ru.... Ru....

Ruhi look at her hopefully....
Ruhi: aunty are you okay?

Aarohi: I don't know.... Ruhi name keep ringing in my head.... My head is paining....

Ruhi: listen to me... years ago you were in an accident and lose your memories. Maybe you know someone name Ruhi.... And you forget about her.

Aarohi sigh..
Aarohi: I don't know... I can't...

Ruhi: it's okay.... Please calm down.... Your memories will come back by her own.... Don't force it....

Aarohi nodded....

Adhiraj: We should go now.

Ruhi nods.
Aarohi look at her.
Aarohi: We will wait for you for dinner....

Ruhi sigh.
Ruhi: No... please don't... I won't be at home today. I will need to stay here.

Aarohi: Alone?

Adhiraj: we will send your food.

Ruhi; It's fine. I have food here. Don't worry about me okay.

Aarohi: Take care.

Ruhi nods.
Aarohi and Adhiraj left after saying bye...

Ruhi sigh...
Ruhi: Arghh...

In front of reception
Reyansh look at the interns...
Reyansh: You are all done for today. We can leave. Come tomorrow and please don't be late.

They nodded and start to leave.

Abhir and Abhira walk to Reyansh.
Abhir: Where is Ruhi.... We should leave.

Reyansh: She told me to tell you... she will go late as she need to be here for a patient. Don't worry go home. I will be with her.

Abhira look at Reyansh.
Abhira: But aren't you tired Rey?

Reyansh: I am okay Abhira.

Abhira: You should get some rest..

Reyansh: Calm down. I will be okay here and Abhir take her home.

Abhir nodded.
Abhir: Take care of Ru.. tell her I love her.

Reyansh nodded.
Adya walk to them.
Reyansh was surprise.

Reyansh: Adya you are here? You didn't tell me anything.

Adya: You were busy. I needed to talk with Abhir.

Reyansh: Everything okay?

Adya nodded.
Reyansh: How are you going home?

Adya: Bus...

Reyansh: No way..

Abhir: I will drop her. Don't worry.

Adya: but...

Abhir: It's okay Adya..

Reyansh: Thank Abhir. And Adya tell mumma and papa i will be late. Don't wait.

Adya nods.
They left.

Reyansh sigh and walk to Ruhi office as he needed to have a serious conversation with her. He walk in confidently... he lock the door and saw Ruhi sitting on her chair while her eyes is close.

Ruhi: Did everyone left?

Reyansh: Yes... why did you lie? Your shift is over...
He sit on the couch

Ruhi look at Reyansh....
She walk to him and sit on his lap...
Ruhi: You talk to much...

Reyansh: Ruhi...

Ruhi: What..
she kiss his forehead...

Reyansh: We need to talk...

Ruhi: Shushh...

Ruhi turn the couch in a bed.. reyansh was surprise...
Ruhi hug Reyansh...
Reyansh could feel her heartbeat beating fast. He sigh and hug her back...

They look at each other in the eyes....
Reyansh: Ruhi...

Ruhi kiss Reyansh neck.
Ruhi: shushhh

Reyansh was trying to control her but he couldn't.
He held Ruhi and kiss her passionately.

He put Ruhi on him and kiss her again. She remove his shirt and kiss her chest gently. Reyansh held her hair....

Reyansh: Are you sure about this sweetheart...?

Ruhi: Yess!

Reyansh: i don't want you to regret later...

Ruhi: I am ready Reyansh.
He sigh.

Reyansh remove Ruhi clothes... He look at her...
Reyansh saw a birthmark near Ruhi breast. He kiss it gently...

Ruhi take a deep breath...
Ruhi: Rey...

He move down to her belly and was shock to see a big mark.
Reyansh kiss the mark gently and blow over it.

Ruhi feel emotional.
Ruhi: Reyansh please..

Reyansh take time taking care of her. He then held her again and kiss her... he put her on him and they both make love passionately....

Ruhi held him tightly and bite him on his shoulder.

After sometime they both lay on the bed in each other arm... reyansh kiss her forehead.

Reyansh: Ru..

Ruhi: i need to check a patient...
Reyansh: but...

Ruhi: Sorry!
Ruhi wear her clothes back and left the office.

Reyansh sigh and punch the wall...
Reyansh: What did I do! Goshhh.. I needed to talk to her and look at me now.
Reyansh wear his clothes back too and clean the office. He lay back on the sofabed and sleep take over.

Ruhi came back inside and was surprise to see him here.
She look at him and lay next to him. She close her eyes...

In their sleep Reyansh took Ruhi in his arm and hug him. Ruhi hug him back.
They sleep in each other arm.

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