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The hospital corridors buzzed with the usual activity as Abhira walked through them, leading Dr. Armaan Poddar towards the lounge where her brother Abhir and Reyansh were waiting. She had mixed feelings about this introduction, especially with the lingering tension between her and Reyansh

As they entered the lounge, Abhir looked up from his medical journal, and Reyansh glanced over from his notes. The air seemed to grow heavier with Reyansh's presence, a constant reminder of the recent turmoil.

"Abhir Bhaiya, Reyansh, I'd like you to meet Dr. Armaan Poddar," Abhira began, trying to keep her tone light. "He's the new general surgeon who joined us recently. We just finished an emergency surgery together."

Armaan extended his hand with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you both. I'm looking forward to working with everyone here."

Abhir shook his hand firmly. "Welcome to the team, Dr. Poddar. I'm Abhir Goenka, orthopedic surgeon."

Reyansh, however, took a moment longer before accepting the handshake, his eyes briefly flicking towards Abhira with a hint of coldness. "Reyansh Malhotra, cardiothoracic surgeon," he said curtly. Then, with a shift in his demeanor, he added, "And let me introduce you to someone who's unfortunately not here at the moment—Dr. Ruhi Goenka. She's also a general surgeon and one of the best we have."

Abhira's heart tightened at the mention of Ruhi. She could feel the underlying tension in Reyansh's words, knowing it stemmed from the recent conflict.

Armaan nodded, clearly picking up on the undertones but choosing to keep the conversation professional. "I've heard great things about Dr. Ruhi. I'm looking forward to meeting her and learning from her experience."

Reyansh's expression softened slightly as he spoke of Ruhi. "She's recovering from an accident, otherwise, she would be here. You'll find her to be incredibly dedicated and skilled."

Abhir, sensing the need to defuse the tension, added, "Yes, Ruhi is very passionate about her work. We're all eager to have her back on her feet soon."

Armaan nodded. "I wish her a speedy recovery. It's clear she has a strong support system here."

Reyansh's gaze sharpened slightly as he looked at Abhira. "Yes, she does. And it's important we all remember to keep our priorities straight, both personally and professionally."

Abhira felt the sting of his words but forced a smile, turning to Armaan. "Let's get you settled in and introduce you to the rest of the team."

As they walked away, Abhir stayed behind with Reyansh. He looked at his friend, sensing the lingering anger. "Reyansh, it's going to take time. But we'll get through this. For Ruhi's sake."

Reyansh sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, Abhir. But it's hard to let go of what Abhira did. I just want to make sure Ruhi is okay and that we all move forward from this."

Abhir nodded, his eyes reflecting the same determination. "We will. Together."


Reyansh walked up to the Goenka mansion, the grandeur of the house doing little to calm his nerves. He knew he needed to speak to Aarohi, to make her understand his love for Ruhi and his determination to protect their relationship. Taking a deep breath, he rang the doorbell.

Aarohi opened the door, surprised to see him standing there. "Reyansh? What are you doing here?"

"Dr. Aarohi, may I speak with you privately?" Reyansh asked, his voice steady but urgent.

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