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The operating room buzzed with focused energy as the team of surgeons worked meticulously on their patient. The hum of machines and the steady beeping of monitors formed a rhythmic background to their precise movements. Abhir, an orthopedic surgeon, was carefully realigning a fractured femur while Reyansh, the cardiologist, monitored the patient's heart condition. Ranvijay, the neurosurgeon, was present to address any potential neurological complications.

As they worked, the usual professional silence was broken by Ranvijay, who had been reflecting on the recent events surrounding Ruhi's accident.

"You know," Ranvijay began, his voice steady yet filled with concern, "I was the one who found Ruhi in the parking lot."

Abhir glanced up briefly, his expression a mix of surprise and worry. "What happened exactly?"

Ranvijay continued, his hands moving deftly. "It was two days ago. I was heading out after a long shift when I noticed her car had crashed into one of the pillars. She was slumped over the steering wheel, unconscious and bleeding heavily."

Reyansh's grip on his instruments tightened, his eyes focused yet filled with tension. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I informed Abhir as soon as we stabilized her," Ranvijay replied, his tone apologetic. "But you had so much on your plate already, Reyansh. I didn't want to add to your stress until we knew more about her condition."

Abhir's eyes darkened with concern. "I appreciate you letting me know immediately, Ranvijay. But this is... a lot to process."

Reyansh, his voice barely above a whisper, asked, "Is she going to be okay?"

Ranvijay nodded, his expression serious but hopeful. "She's stable now, thanks to the quick response and the excellent care she's received. But it's going to take time for her to recover fully."

Abhir took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand. "She's tough. She'll get through this."

Reyansh's eyes were fixed on his work, but his mind was clearly elsewhere. "She has to. I won't let anything happen to her."

As they continued their work, the gravity of Ranvijay's story weighed heavily on them. Despite the intensity of the surgery, their shared concern for Ruhi deepened their bond and their determination to see her recover.

Once the surgery was over and the patient stabilized, they stepped out of the operating room, their faces lined with exhaustion and worry.

"Thanks for telling us, Ranvijay," Abhir said sincerely. "And thank you for being there for Ruhi."

Ranvijay nodded, a small, reassuring smile on his lips. "She's strong, Abhir. She'll pull through this."

Reyansh's eyes were distant, filled with a new determination. "I won't let anything happen to her. Not again."

As they walked down the corridor, the weight of their shared concern for Ruhi propelled them forward, each determined to support her in whatever way they could.


The operating room was a flurry of activity as the surgical team prepared for a complex procedure. Reyansh and Abhira scrubbed in, their focus on the task ahead. Reyansh was in charge of the heart surgery, while Abhira, a talented surgeon in her own right, assisted.

As they began the procedure, the room was filled with the rhythmic beeping of monitors and the hum of medical equipment. Reyansh's hands moved with precision, his mind sharp despite the emotional turmoil he had been experiencing.

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