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The air in the Birla Hospital's boardroom was a blend of anticipation and curiosity as the new neurosurgeon was about to be introduced. The board members, Ruhi Birla, Abhir Birla, and their friend and colleague Reyansh, waited with varying degrees of interest. Abhir, the eldest, had a protective air about him, while Reyansh's demeanor was more reserved, though his eyes occasionally flicked towards Ruhi with a hint of something unspoken.

The door opened, and Ranvijay Agnihotri walked in, exuding confidence. In his late thirties, with sharp features and an easy charm, he immediately drew the room's attention. He offered a warm smile, his eyes briefly scanning the room before settling on Ruhi.

Abhir stepped forward first, extending a hand. "Welcome to Birla Hospital, Dr. Agnihotri. I'm Abhir Birla, head of Orthopedic Surgery."

Ranvijay shook his hand firmly. "Thank you, Dr. Birla. It's an honor to join such a prestigious institution."

Abhir gestured towards Ruhi. "This is my sister, Dr. Ruhi Birla, our General Surgeon."

Ranvijay's smile widened as he took Ruhi's hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Dr. Birla. I've heard exceptional things about your work." His tone was warm, his eyes lingering on her a moment longer than necessary.

Ruhi returned the smile, though a slight blush colored her cheeks. "Thank you, Dr. Agnihotri. We're pleased to have you with us."

Reyansh, observing the exchange, felt a surge of irritation. He stepped forward, his expression carefully neutral. "Dr. Agnihotri, I'm Dr. Reyansh, head of Cardiology."

Ranvijay shifted his attention, shaking Reyansh's hand. "A pleasure, Dr. Reyansh. I've heard about your breakthroughs in minimally invasive heart surgeries."

Reyansh nodded curtly. "Thank you."

Abhir, sensing the tension, interjected. "Our youngest sister, Dr. Abhira, is our Gynecologist, though she isn't present today."

Ranvijay nodded, his attention once again returning to Ruhi. "Your family certainly has an impressive array of talents, Dr. Ruhi. It must be quite something to work alongside your siblings."

Ruhi smiled, feeling slightly flustered under his gaze. "It is. We all have our specialties, but we work well together."

Reyansh's jaw tightened. "We value professionalism above all, Dr. Agnihotri."

"Of course," Ranvijay agreed smoothly, though his eyes twinkled with amusement. "And professionalism doesn't preclude appreciating the finer aspects of our colleagues, wouldn't you agree, Dr. Ruhi?"

Ruhi's blush deepened, and she found herself at a loss for words. Abhir stepped in, his voice firm. "We expect all our staff to maintain the highest standards of conduct, both professionally and personally."

Ranvijay met Abhir's gaze evenly. "Naturally, Dr. Birla. I assure you, my intentions are purely professional."

There was a moment of silence, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Ruhi, trying to defuse the situation, spoke up. "Dr. Agnihotri, we'd be happy to show you around the hospital and introduce you to the rest of the team."

Ranvijay nodded. "I'd appreciate that, Dr. Ruhi."

As they left the boardroom, Reyansh fell in step beside Abhir, his voice low. "We need to keep an eye on him."

Abhir nodded, his expression hard. "Agreed. No one messes with my sister."

Ruhi walked slightly ahead with Ranvijay, who was asking her about the hospital's history. Reyansh watched them, feeling a mix of jealousy and protectiveness. The way Ranvijay looked at Ruhi made his blood boil. He and Ruhi had shared a complicated relationship, and seeing another man so openly flirt with her stirred emotions he thought he'd kept under control.

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