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Kapoor mansion.
Sakshi, Abhira, Adya and Reyansh were all seated on the chair.

Reyansh: Woww Aunty the food was delicious. I love it...

Sakshi smile.....

Sakshi: Reyansh i wanted to ask you something....

Reyansh: Yes tell me Aunty?

Sakshi look at Abhira....
Sakshi: i wanted to ask for your hand for Abhira.

Reyansh look at Abhira and Sakshi shockingly. In his heart their was only Ruhi....

Reyansh: Aunty Abhira and i are just good friends... that's it... right Abhira

Abhira look at Reyansh...

Sakshi: But Reyansh...

Abhira: Mum Reyansh is right. We are just best friend maybe you misjudged our friendship.

Sakshi: But Abhira...

Abhira: Mom...

Sakshi look at Abhira and nods.

Reyansh: Aunty we are really good friend. I am sorry if you thought we love each other. I already have someone else in my love...

Abhira was shock... she was hurt.
Sakshi look at her daughter as she knows she was hurt.

Reyansh: I am sorry i didn't tell you Abhira. Please don't be sad! I just want to be sure first.

Abhira: It's the girl that came to the hospital today right?

Reyansh nodded..

Abhira: i knew it Rey. The way you cancelled our plan for another girl and the way you were looking at her.

Reyansh: I was worry for her that's why I canceled our plan.... I am sorry.

Abhira: It's okay Rey...

Reyansh: Okay thank you Aunty and Abhira. The food was so good. We will meet tomorrow abhira.

Abhira smile and nodded.

Reyansh and Adya say their goodbye and left.

Abhira hug her mother and cry..
Abhira: Mom I am so stupid! I thought he love me but I was wrong! Why mom!

Sakshi: Why didn't you tell him you love him?

Abhira: Mom he love someone. He deserved to be happy. I saw the way he kept looking at the girl... he stay with her till she was at the hospital.

Sakshi: Don't cry... don't waste your tears please!

Abhira: I will still be his best friend mom...

Sakshi: Why are you punishing yourself Abhira... by staying friend with him you will hurt yourself more.

Abhira: mom no. I can love him. I don't need him to love me.

Sakshi hug her daughter.
Abhira lay her head on Sakshi lap and sleep.

Birla mansion.
Ruhi room.
Ruhi were looking at the picture of her parents.
Ruhi: Mumma papa i miss you both... first time someone care about me apart Bhai mumma.... His name is Reyansh and I think I like him.... He care a lot about me. But I know I should take it slowly. I wish you both were here.
Ruhi hug the photo frame.

She felt someone touch her shoulder... She turn and saw Abhir.

Abhir hug her....

Abhir: Are you okay?

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