𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘•𝐒𝐈𝐗-I'm bat man

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 on the road for hours before they finally stopped for a brake. Devin decided to follow Daryl away from the group to hunt.

The two left the others about fifteen minutes ago. Devin glanced over at Daryl and sighed. "So, what exactly happened that night we got separated?" She asked braking the silence.

Daryl looked over at the girl. He shrugged. "ain't much to it. I got to the end of the road to see a car driving away. Beth in it."

Devin sighed, shaking her head. "I should've been with her. I could've just left my stuff and say the hell with it all." She glanced down at her arm. "Maybe things would've gone better."

Daryk glanced over at her bandaged arm. "What happened?"

"Doesn't matter. Just ran into some trouble a few days ago. I'm fine." Devin said with a careless shrug.

Daryl kept his eyes on her for a few more seconds before deciding to drop the subject.


Daryl and Devin rejoined the group they all set up a small camp to stay the night at.

"Here." Leo said, walking over to Devin with a thin folded up blanket. "Ain't much but it'll do."

Devin smiled taking the blanket from him. She started to spread it out on the ground. "Better then that old beach towel we found on the boat that Kai insists on sleeping on."

"Hey!" Kai scoffed, walking over with the beach towel tucked under his arm. "This beach towel is awesome."

Leo and Devin laughed a little watching Kai lay the towel on the ground a few feet from Devin's blanket. "Don't complain to us in the morning when you're hurting all over because a rock was stabbing you all night." Leo told the blond.

Kai rolled his eyes as he sat down on his towel. "You don't know what you're talking about." He grumbled.

"Sure we don't." Devin said smirking. She sat down on her blanket and sighed. "Where're you sleeping?" She asked looking up at Leo.

Leo looked over towards where Tyreese was. "Ty has got a sleeping bag I'm planning on stealing from him. All I gotta do is pull the “I'm your little brother and you love me” card." He laughed to himself. "Night you two."

"Night." Devin and Kai both said as the boy walked away.

Devin noticed her dad walking over to Daryl on the other side of the camp. She squinted her eyes and slightly tilted her head. "I wonder what that's about."

Dane stopped by the tree that Daryl was leaning against. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and He pulled out one for himself before offering one to Daryl.

Daryl took one of the cigarettes from the pack and Dane shoved it back into his pocket. He puller out a lighter and lit both of their cigarettes.

"Thank you for looking after her." Dane said and Daryl looked over at him. "I've heard some things that you've done for Devin. I'm glad she had someone to be there for her."

Daryl looked down at his cigarette. "She didn't need me. Still don't. She's a tough kid. All three of them are." He shrugged.

Dane nodded a little. "I'm still glad she had someone." He sighed. "I don't know what went down with Shane... I don't even know if I want to. But from what Sam told me it wasn't good."

Daryl shook his head. "Nah, it wasn't."

The Philips man frowned, shaking his head. "I'm glad I wasn't around for it." He cleared his throat looking down at his cigarette. "Rick and Shane were my best friends growing up. Know a man that long and he becomes your brother.

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