𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑-you're still here

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𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, Beth, Daryl and Devin werr sitting around a new fire for the night. Beth opened her diary and started to rip out pages to throw into the fire.

We're not gonna die. None of us. I believe now. I believe for Daddy. If this doesn't work, I don't know how I could keep going.


𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐘𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐉𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐇 in her arms as she followed the youngest two Samules sisters through the woods.
Tyreese was a few feet ahead of them. Kate nearly tripped over a small stump. "Shit." She whispered stumbling to catch her balance again.

Mika started to cry again. "Don't cry." Lizzie told her younger sister.

"I want Carol." Mika cried.

"Well, she's not here." Lizzie responded.

Kaitlyn sighed picking up her speed so she was walking along side the two girls. "Take the knife from the diaper bag and put it on your belt." She said, turning the bag to where Mika could reach inside.

Mika took the knife and put it on her belt.

"It's gonna get dark soon. Where are we going?" Lizzie asked Tyreese.

Tyreese stopped walking and turned to face the four girls. "Further. Come on."

Mika and Kate started following him but Lizzie stayed put. "Is everybody dead?" She asked.

Tyreese didn't say anything and she quickly started running to catch up.

Later that night the five were sitting in the woods. Tyreese was wrapping a bandana around his arm that got injured when the prison fell. Mika and Kaitlyn sat against the tree that's beside Tyreese. Judith was laying on her blanket in front of Kaitlyn.

Soon Judith started to cry. "They're gonna hear her." Mika said frightened.

"we shouldn't be out here." Lizzie said as Tyreese started to gently rub Judith's belly.

"We'll find a safe place soon. We will." Ty assured her as Judith continued to cry.

Lizzie got up and brought over Judith's bottle. Tyreese picked Judith up and took the bottle from Lizzie. Judith then stoped crying.

Leaves rustle from deep in the woods. "Walkers!" Mika gasped.

Kaitlyn looked in the direction the sound had came from. "It sound's like a few." She said as Tyreese hands Judith to her.

"Here, come on." He said and they all got up and left.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 five walked down a trail. Judith started to cry so Kaitlyn rocked her in her arms as she walked trying to get Judith to calm down.

"Let me see her." Tyreese said holding his hands out for Judith.

Kate nodded carefully handing Judith over to Tyreese.

"Look, grapes." Mika said pointing to some berries on bushes. "Can we eat them?" She asked looking back at Tyreese.

Ty nodded "yeah, they're good."

Kaitlyn walked up beside the two girls as they pick some grapes. She then started picking a few and shoving them into her bandana.

Judith started to cry again. "Lizzie, hand me a diaper." Tyreese told the girl.

He laid Judith's blanket on the ground and laid Judy on it. "It's okay. All right. Bear with me, Judith." He calmly said.

"They're gonna hear her." Mika said as Judih continued to cry while Ty was changing her diaper.

"I think we're fine for now." Kate said, rubbing Mika's shoulder.

Tyreese picked Judith up after getting her diaper changed. "What do you want?" He asked as she continued to cry.

"Let me try something." Kaitlyn said, taking Judith from Tyreese. "I heard Kai humming this a few weeks ago." She muttered before she started to hum the same thing Kai did which was the same as Devin.

Leaves rustle and Mika yelped reaching for Tyreese's arm. She accidentally hurt his injury. "They're coming!" She yelled standing up.

"Ah! I heard it, Mika!" Tyreese yelled.

"Don't yell at her. She doesn't understand walkers." Lizzie said, glaring at Tyreese.

"You're the one who doesn't understand them." Mika argued.

Some birds flew out of the trees spooking Mika causing her to run off. "Mika!" Kate yelled, running after her.

"Mika!" Lizzie yelled, running with Tyreese.

Finally they found Mika standing in the middle of the woods. "Are you okay?" Tyreese asked her.

"I got scared." The young blonde said looking at the ground.

"That's okay. We all get scared. You did the right thing running." Tyreese told her.

"What?" Lizzie asked shocked.

Kate shrugged moving her hair away from Judith's hands since she was pulling it. "She did. You hear or see a walker, you run. Unless you're in a group."

Tyreese nodded. "you got to try to stay close to them, okay?"

Mika nodded before she noticed Tyreese arm. "You're bleeding. Did I hurt your arm bad?"

"It was a lot worse at the prison. No big." Ty told her.

"I'm sorry." Mika looked up at him. "I know I'm not like Lizzie."

Kaitlyn bit her lip to keep from saying something she probably shouldn't about Lizzie.

"Don't be sorry. You each do things your own way. But you both get it done." Tyreese assured the girl.

"Like you, Sasha and Leo?" Mika asked with a smile.

"You're not like Sasha or Leo." Lizzie quickly said.

"Why not?" Mika asked her.

"Because you're still here. Sasha and Leo aren't."

Kaitlyn and Tyreese share a look before the sound of a woman screaming was heard in the distance. Tyreese quickly took Judith from Kaitlyn and handed her to Lizzie.

"What are you doing?" Lizzie asked worriedly. Tyreese moved Lizzie and Mika to where they were back to back.

"I'm making sure you can see in both directions. You stay like this and keep watch." Tyreese explained to the two.

"You're leaving us?" Mika's voice shook slightly in fear.

"Whoever that is that's screaming they might be one of us." Kaitlyn told her.

"Kate and I need to help them." Tyreese added bending down in front of Mika a little.

"We need you." Mika stressed.

"Mika, tuck your shirt behind your knife so it's easier to grab." Lizzie told her younger sister. "We'll be okay." She addded looking at Ty and Kate.

"What do you do when you see a walker?" Tyreese asked after handing Mika a gun.

"Run." Mika responded.

"Run." Lizzie repeated.

"Together, towards Kate and I. Only fire if you have to. You stay right here until we get back, okay?"

"Please, please don't go." Mika begged as Kate and Ty started to walk away.

"You got this Mika. You're tough." Kate assured her before following Tyreese.

𝖤𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋

𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍—2:00𝐏𝐌, 12.24.23

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