𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘-funny lookin'

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Carol asked, as Daryl drove the three down the dark road, following the other car's taillights.

"Yep." Daryl and Devin replied.

"You save them?" Carol asked looking over at Daryl.

Daryl shook his head. "Beth saved herself... And you know how Devin is, she hasn't needed saving in a very long time." He said, glancing at Devin through the rearview mirror.

Devin bit the inside of her cheek and she looked down at her bandage covered arm. What Daryl had said wasn't true, she thought. How could it be true when she had to be saved by Kai and Leo? She scoffed and rolled her eyes before looking out the window.

"We were out there for a while, we got cornered, I thought they both got out in front of me... I saw a car pulling out with a white cross on the window." Daryl sighed. "I really thought they got Devin too."

Devin sighed. "I should've been with her. But I went back for my damn bag." She mumbled.

Daryl was about to say something but his eyes landed on the gas gauge. "Tanks runnin' low."

"We can end this quick. Just run him off the road." Carol said.

Daryl shook his head. "Nah, we're good for a bit."

"If they're holding her somewhere, we can get it out of the driver." Carol argued.

"Or we could fuck up any chance of ever finding her." Devin said, leaning forward.

"She's right. We've got the advantage." Daryl nodded, glancing at Devin.

"They're heading North." Devin pointed out.

"I-85." Carol said nodding. The car ahead of them soon came to a stop.

Daryl pulled over. "What the hells he waiting for?" Daryl asked.

Two people got out of the car and headed into a building. "Is that a cop?" Devin asked with furrowed brows.

The three sat and waited for a few minutes. A walker started to pound on Carol's window but luckily the other car started to drive again.

Daryl tried to crank back up but the car wouldn't start. "Aww, Shit! Tanks tapped." Daryl cursed.

"They didn't take the bypass, so they must be somewhere in the city." Devin said as more walkers started to surround the car. "We should find a place to stay the night. We can continue our search in the morning."


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 after the three left the place they stayed the night, they started their search into the city. The three of them sprint down the sidewalk.

Daryl held out his arm to stop Carol and Devin. The three of them lean against the edge of a building. The familiar sound of the dead snarling is heard coming from the other street.

Daryl peeked around the edge of the building. He nodded before looking at Dev and Carol. "Alright, we can get up there." He told them. "There's a bridge."

He sat his bag on the ground and pulled out a notebook and a lighter. After he lit the book on fire he threw it out into the street like a frisbee.

The three then ran around the side of the building and into a parking garage. They approached a set of doors. Daryl glanced at the two women before slowly opening the door.

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