Chapter 1

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The bright warm sun rises into the blue sky as the grass moves silently due to the cold breeze blowing across the hill. A large field of flowers, all kinds. Bright and colorful, with the sun shining down gently, it felt like you were in heaven. A beautiful place with endless fields of flowers, warm and peaceful. White lilies, yellow sunflowers, blue water lilies, and red roses. One rose stood out among the rest. It was a dark red rose, a rose of deepest red.

A certain puppet who was lying against the tree was all eyes down on her book writing and silently muttering each word that confused her while fixing some of the horrible grammar she read. her glasses shone a bit and her hair covered half of her face. It was you,

the laziest puppet around the neighborhood who spends time reading, sleeping, and sewing. However, they mostly can be seen around writing in their journal which always makes the neighbors curious about it. Nobody knows what is in the book.

probably, some love poems and stuff...

your fingers softly hold each of the lines with your index fingers as your warm coat covers mostly your skin because of how much you like to cover yourself up, even when it's summer. Weird, but none to judge.

As you peacefully read silently, a small giggle could be heard behind the trees which you notice sooner after a shadow moving so slightly beside you. your lips turn into grins, patiently waiting for whoever is trying to jump-scare you.

Suddenly a not-so-harsh hold against your shoulder caused you to jump a bit as the puppet tried to laugh it off but quickly got pulled into your embrace and tickled the puppet. Julie laughed loudly as she tried to push you away

"Not fair, this is not supposed to happen!" she exclaimed with mixed laughter in her voice

you laughed softly and hugged them tightly into your chest before nuzzling down towards Julie's fluffy blonde hair, it smelled like strawberry

"Morning to you too, Julie," you said before letting go of the poor puppet who was out of breath. Julie rolled across the grass surface before shooting you with a flashing smile "How did you know I'm there!?" she giggled

you sigh, fixing your glasses up to your noses and closing shut the book quietly, you did not need glasses but just wanted to be seen fancy around people. You muttered the word "Shadow" You simply said "Try better next time" Julie grinned while making a dramatic pose, hand on her forehead

"Yeah, guess I lose again," she said trying to hold back her laughter, you looked at her questioning before a warm arm held into your back, and a soft voice leaned near to your ear as it said

"Pleasant to see you again, neighbor"

you yelped in surprise, the warm hold pulled up, and a certain familiar monotonous laughter began to chuckle lowly. you sigh and glance toward the only person, the well-known puppet

"Wally, goodness gracious you scared me there" You chuckled then pulled off your glasses and shoved them into the pocket of your coat. Wally laughed as he sat next to Julie who was giggling so hard while rolling around the grass hill

"Oh, you're into that book again" He down at the reddish cover book with a golden letter that said 'Journal'

His gaze slowly glances into the pages you currently busy writing, attempting to take a peek but quickly you shut the book before he can even read any of the long sentences, he smirk "Aw, I would like to know what's my fellow neighbor writing" he said now look at you with his usual stare, sometimes it's creeping you out but that's what Wally has always been

"Nope, it's a secret"You pull your tongue out which makes him smile and twitch.

unbeknownst Julie was already behind the trees where you leaned against, with her hand touching his mouth while jumping up and down in excitement "Secrets? Like crush?!" the sudden exclamation appalled you as you held your chest and looked up at her, nervously half smiled "uh- something like that" you said.

Julie screamed then grabbed your face before squeezing it softly "Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" her pupils somehow shifted into a bright star

she glanced at Wally who was staring at you the whole time and narrowed slightly "You, shoo-shoo! It's girls' thing!" she waved her hand. Wally narrowed back her as he chuckled.

You were about to let out some words to reply but then a footstep interrupted the conversation and now focus on the person who is heading towards the small group

"Julie, there you are" Frank walks forward with a bunch of butterflies following him, just like a Disney princess.

"Oh, Frank! what's up?" Julie let go of your face that was now warm with her long touch, you wave at Frank who waves a little down at you before glancing back to his best friend

"I found Palos Verdes Blue and it was the rarest butterfly, surprised I found it around my house's backyard " He slowly brings his fingers up to show the butterfly which makes Julie scream happily and jog towards the owl puppet butterfly lover

"Oh my goodness cherry bubblegum gummy bear!" she randomly spoke while giggling uncontrollably. As soon they talk about this insect Julie excuses herself to go look for more butterflies with Frank, completely forgetting about the whole secret stuff.

Wally hums a little watching as the two duos disappear down to the yellow road before glancing his eyes at you and continuing with his head "What?" he stares at you for a good second before landing his gaze on the book again

"What are you hiding there, hm?" you click your tongue, shoving the book into your inside pocket coat then pet it twice, shaking your head as you yawn loudly "It's my diary and a bunch of old memories," you said before lean back to the tree

he didn't break the stare, quietly shifting to near your now sleeping figure which he always found amusing how fast a sleeper you are even in a loud place or laughter. sometimes you could have randomly slept in the most uncomfortable spot like a bench, bushes, or ground. Funny thing you even sleep standing! silly-silly you.

The cold wind hit his hair, quietly stared before bringing his gaze to the view down the hill.

A/N: It's been a while since I wrote fanfic because of my writing block.

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